Title: Features Rating: NC-17 Genre: Smut. Pairings: KyuHan. Warnings: PWP. Summary: In which Kyuhyun contemplates Geng’s features and which Geng comes back to Super Junior. A/N: For both shihan_ai and static_abyss because one wants KyuHan smut from me and the other is going to write me my fantasy. ;D
Title: Ten and Beyond Rating: R Genre: Angst Pairings One-sided KyuHan, hints of ShiHan Warnings: Death Summary: Kyuhyun was ten when he met the sixteen year old Geng. For Annie.
Title: Shopping (1/1) Rating: G Genre: General Pairings: Hints of ShiHan, Kyuhan Warnings: Kid!Kyu Summary:Tired of the confinements of the playground, ten year old Cho Kyuhyun wanders off.