Title: where kris writes ztao fanfiction, canon? Pairing: tao/kris Rating: G Length: 2.3k Summary: kris feels the need to start writing fanfiction. it had all started with kris browsing through aff's idolxoc tags. A/N: also on aff and ao3. guys i know where this is going but feel free to comment ur ideas<3
Title: पांच दिन: पञ्च परमेश्वर का रूपांतरण [translate][Five Days: An adaptation of Panch Parmeshwar]
Genre: crack, romance, fluff, flangst, fluff, fluff, fluff Pairing: Sehun/Luhan Length: 3.5k Warnings: none :P (too much nonsensical flangst) read first part. you might not understand this completely without reading it first.
Title: अनानास का किसान [translate][Pineapple Farmer] Genre: crack!au, romance, drabble Length: Oneshot, 4.2k Pairings: Sehun/Luhan, side!Kris/Chanyeol, past!Luhan/Chanyeol, bff!Jackson/Baekhyun Warnings: Lots and lots of pineapple, stupid sehun, rude luhan, rude zitao[tho he's my bias], dumbass kris and dumbass yeol, fic is disjointed af, read this at the
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