antoj tagged me so you know what that means...
Tagged by
antoj ♪ If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
♫ Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
#01 What song are you currently listening to?
Nothing, but I was listening to this before my iPod died.
Click to view
#02 What books are you currently reading?
I was up until 5 am last night reading this (because after 1 am or so I assume "it's not like I'll do anything productive tonight anyway"). But still, what is wrong with me?
#03 What was the last movie you saw?
It was decent for a Disney film, I guess. My friend thought there should have been more shirtless men. XD
#04 Describe your reaction when you see a book/movie you really like.
I wish I had a good .gif for this. I used to start fantasizing about "What would I be like if I was in that fictional world?", but I soon discovered that led to some of my worst fanfic and Mary Sue ideas. Most of the time I just fangirl internally (or occasionally on LJ) about how great the series is. Occasionally I'll draw something when I'm inspired and not time-constrained.
#05 Cats, dogs or pineapples?
Cats when they aren't throwing up.
#06 What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Mostly Path of Radiance, though I like the other games as well.
This series. ALL OF IT. Waiting for the 5th book is going to push my patience to its limit...
You know, I really wish this had a fandom. I've found about a dozen fans on other forums but most of them are morons.
#07 What's your current OTP?
These two. Sorry for the boring art but I don't want to steal fanart, and the only thing I drew of them turned out to be utter crap. Have you read their in-game conversations?! It's practically canon.
#08 What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The middle? O_o I mean, I haven't had a new bed since I was four. I'm lucky if I sleep without a body part hanging off.
#09 What was the last thing you bought?
A Feast for Crows. I told myself I wouldn't buy it until July, but I was so weak. D:
#10 Would you rather date a good singer, or a good cook?
A good cook. What use would I have for a good singer? Unless they can win American Idol I don't care.
#11 Something that made you laugh today?
Click to view
No matter how many times I watch this, it still makes me laugh.
#12 What do you do to change your mood?
Make cake/brownies, listen to music, read manga (mostly One Piece and Ao no Exorcist), and play video games when I can actually find them. Where did my DDRs go?!
#13 What was the last meal you ate?
Probably not the best idea, but it was tasty.
#14 Can you suggest a flash game to play online?
This is what drove me back to Neopets. It's so addicting! #15 Any plans for today?
Fix World::ResolveIntersection. Hopefully.
Who am I kidding? There's no way I can get that done in one night. I'll work on it while I eat cake though.
#16 Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
"The prince had tied back the curtains of his litter, the better to enjoy the breeze blowing off the sea."
from A Feast for Crows. Why couldn't I have gotten a Jaime quote?
#17 What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
"Is the cake ready yet?"
#18 What are you looking forward to?
Getting one of these in the mail.
I'm starting to wonder if the package got lost. D=
#19 What is playing out of your speakers, right now?
Hey, isn't this the same as question #1?
And I tag:
yaoi_queen sorcererhuntres shemii rikufied riolulz meuniere midnitesilven carnillvious