I put a PS3 on my birthday list, not really expecting to get one, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to include it anyway. The list doubles as a wants list for myself, and helps me prioritize my spending.
My mother just walked into my room and asked "Hypothetically, if you were to get a PS3, what color would you want?" She also asked if there was a specific game I wanted, and then she started asking about any available bundles I'd be interested in. And she said "be sure to tell me if a price drop is announced, okay?"
Just... lol. This amuses me greatly. I can't stop grinning when I think about it. Even though she came out and said that she may or may not be able to afford one (depends on how much we have to pay for my tuition next year) it's sweet that she's even considering it.
And it's hilarious that once again she's coming to me with technical questions. (The same thing happened when I got my Wii for Christmas, but I'm more knowledgeable when it comes to Nintendo systems, and the Wii didn't have half a dozen different models.) I'm not sure if I know much more about PS3s than she does, honestly. Anything with more than two or three models always throws my brain for a loop. Example: It took me weeks to decide which iPod I wanted, but even now I can barely recognize anything other than a 3rd gen iPod nano (what I bought).
I find it funny that the few times I've gotten something really awesome for my birthday or Christmas, it wasn't a surprise. My mother either told me ahead of time so I could pick out which version I wanted, or was forced to tell me when I tried to buy the item myself.