um, better late than never? travel back with me, won't you, to this past may, exactly three months ago to the day, and one fantastic weekend spent with those chemical romantics.
* holy crap! In order to show our appreciation for your loyalty and support during our recent DDoS attacks, we've added two weeks of Paid time to your account. LJ, i am stunned. thank you for that gesture. it actually helps
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i just went looking for my pictures from sequoia, but was momentarily waylaid by some other pictures in my july 2008 folder.
so you all know how if you move AT ALL, even dare to breathe while using my camera, the pictures will come out blurry? well imagine what the first few seconds of SEEING GERARD WAY AT COMIC-CON will do to them. ( ahahaahhaha /o\ )
i don't know why i'm having such a hard time writing this post, but i can tell if i just don't force myself and do it, it will wind up yet another post not posted like far too many others. so here goes...
i went to the 'without you i'm just me' art opening last tuesday night, featuring artwork by pete wentz & travie mccoy. it was fun! when wovenindelibly and i
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right, so we all know by now that my camera sucks. if anyone nearby is BREATHING, the photos will come out blurry. but whatever, that doesn't stop me! :D here are the least blurry from last tuesday night - ( leATHERMOUTH (and other people) at the avalon )