With being hyper-focused on the deck-etc. for so long, I've kind of lost track of the other projects in the wings. So, a list, in no particular order since everything should already have been done months if not years ago:
- Finish the dining room. This includes buying, cutting and staining new interior trim for the sliding door, priming and painting the rest of the ceiling, a little touch-up paint on the walls and scraping on the beam-trim, and putting stuff back in the room.
- Finish the kitchen. This includes buying and installing the rest of the lighting (pot lights for the pantry, back closet, and stove area; maybe a pendant light for the breakfast area), rearranging the light switches by the back door, patching the many many holes I had to cut in the drywall to trace electrical, stripping the rest of the wallpaper, and priming and painting. The kitchen floor needs replacing, too, but that will be a separate project.
- Rehabbing the downstairs fireplace. This really should have been done in the summer, because the first part is buying fire-bricks & mortar and filling in the hole in the back wall, but of course I never think of it in the summer. I'm hoping a space heater will be enough for the mortar to set properly. Then I need to build a shield for the outside air intake, arrange some kind of closeable vent cover for the inside air intake, find and stop whatever the other major draft source is, and bodge something for a fireplace screen. Oh, and buy and install fireproof tiles along the back of the wooden mantle beam. A hat for the chimney top would be nice, but that's definitely a summer task.
- Insulating the rest of the crawlspace. I've got all the materials, just need the time and back-endurance to get them in place.
- Iron filter for the water system.
- The housemate's bathroom needs priming & painting, badly.
- My bathroom: put up drywall, finish the litterbox nook, re-tile the shower stall, do... something with the floor (maybe the same vinyl as the kitchen?), buy & install new cabinet handles & towel bar, prime & paint.
- Things that should have got done this fall, that I've given up on for the winter: additional posts for the back yard fence, finishing the driveway edging, re-mortaring the cement blocks in the garage, painting the garage, replacing the siding by the little deck, redoing the woodshed doors and floor, and general yard clean-up. Gawd.
This is by no means a comprehensive list; there's lots more to be done. But these are the first-tier projects right now, after the deck-etc., and it'd be nice to knock a few of them off. Most are necessary for resale, and all will have a significant impact on our quality of life while we're still here.