[Translation] Johnnys-net Last Bits

Jan 19, 2010 14:07

Completing the KKL-themed translation from:

These are the remaining bits (from those I subjectively deem to be post-worthy). Unverified.


- (Bracketed) are the original poster's comments. [Square-bracketed] and * italicized asterisks are my own translation notes. The numbering refers to the forum posts, for back-reference.



* I thought this conversation was adorable in more than one ways, so I left the original text (which said it much more nicely in their language) in place.

Kouichi, at 2005 winter con: "I feel like putting Tsuyo inside a water tank to look at."

If this saying is factual, to what extent the obsession must have been for him to have this sort of thought.

Of course it's factual, it's well known.

所以有人就建了个大水槽把自己放在里面去开CON了.. = =...
And so a certain someone went and built a big water tank to place himself in and hold concerts...

[Kouichi on Interviews]

#11-18 Popolo December

Q: "What is the difference between romance ('koi') and love ('ai')?"

Kouichi: "If myself feel that it is a romance, then it is a romance. If myself feel that it is love, then it is love. But I'll have an impression of [the point of time] when a romance starts.* Maybe a romance that matures will grow into love. I'm not very clear about this, but there is only a thin line between love and hate. Well, simply put, love is [a] profound [concept], perhaps deeper than romance."

(Oooh~~ Doumoto Kouichi! Such refined understanding~~ Love is deeper than romance? For example, towards Doumoto Tsuyoshi?)

* Probably in the sense of "I can pinpoint the time".

#26 Unknown

Q: "Is there any aspect of Tsuyoshi's solo activities that upset you?"

Kouichi: "I think that when each of us work hard at our own activities, it will also push KinKi Kids forward. If we don't have the space to express our own selves in KinKi Kids, the pressure might accumulate. It is exhausting to act in coordination all the time. But if we have a place to express ourselves, we will come to realize, 'Ah, when we are together as KinKi Kids, we should go towards this direction'. From our solo activity, we will bring the good feelings back to KinKi Kids.

"But I do feel that there are too few KinKi Kids activities recently (laugh)."

#109 Unknown

Kouichi: "I was injured on the first day of SHOCK this year. We started the musical in that condition, just like that. Although I concealed my injury, the staff told me, 'Rather than making the audience worry when they notice it, you might as well say it out.' Therefore, during the closing speech, I spoke out about the injury. But I regretted it as soon as I said it. Because there might be strict-minded guests among the audience, saying it might cause trouble. I wanted to keep the spirit of 'I will stand on the stage no matter what happens'.

"But, regarding Tsuyoshi's respiratory disorder, although I don't understand the disease nor what he feels, but I still want to try to understand it. It's impossible not to do so. I've read some materials related to respiratory disorder, too. It's a difficult disease to learn about, so my understanding is still not very clear. However, I know how hard it is to stand on the stage. That time at Nagoya seemed to be the worst. But when I asked him there, 'Is there anything I can do?' he didn't want me to worry about it. For the sake of the fans who had been expecting the show and paid to see us, if it was hard on Tsuyoshi, then I would take on the responsibility to bring happiness to the audience. That's why, during the MC, because Tsuyoshi seemed to be suffering when talking, I only passed the talk to him occasionally.

"Could we completely deceive the fans this way? It should be impossible, but this is my way of solving it. Perhaps this makes the fans think that I treat him coldly?

"Tsuyoshi reflected on this seriously and was very bothered by it. Therefore, I definitely have to understand him. Because he is right by my side."

[Doumoto Kouichi's Exclusive Flu Treatment]

#84 Duet 2000

Said to be Doumoto Kouichi's exclusive secret treatment for flu, but it was contributed by Doumoto Tsuyoshi-san. This is Tsuyoshi's letter to 'the star from Hyogo' [Kouichi]:

"How are you?
We are often together,
but ironically there have not been many opportunities to say this line.

You can't take good care of yourself, which worries me.
When you catch a flu, please don't rely on the method of 'passing it to other people' to cure it.
Please quickly see a doctor and take some medication.
You always say proudly, "I don't need to depend on medicine."
But that person who gets infected every time can't bear it any much longer...

Doumoto Kouichi's exclusive secret treatment for flu can only be used by Doumoto Kouichi;
That person who gets infected every time is not someone who can simply infect any regular guy, you know. (laugh)"


translation, kinki

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