sinckerdoodles of shame

Dec 10, 2009 14:08

I was stuck at home yesterday night because of some car troubles, but it worked out great because my sister came over to keep me company. She wanted some sister advice time (always flattering to the older sister) and after we talked we sat down to watch some episodes of Farscape together. Somewhere in there she got a sugar craving and I decided that snickerdoodles sounded good, so off we went to consult the Joy of Cooking.

The recipe called for two sticks of butter, which blew my mind: that's a lot of butter! (Chocolate chip cookies only call for one stick.) It also called for cream of tartar, which I don't have. However, I recently made a german chocolate cake without using cream of tartar, so I thought maybe we could fake it. I added some baking powder to try and cover the bases, and we proceeded into a comedy of errors.

The dough turned out more like batter (all the butter made it soft). It took us a while to figure out how to roll the cookies. It made a huge mess all over our hands. We kept dropping things. Celeste couldn't get the cookies on the tray in a straight line. Our cookies were different sizes. We forgot to grease two of the cookie trays, which meant we had to scrape the cookies off without breaking them. We laughed at everything.

And, when we got the cookies out of the oven, they were completely, utterly flat.

They tasted great, though, so we didn't really care that much. We'd begun with the goal of just making a quick snack, but we ended up having one of those sister bonding experiences that we'll always remember. We called them the "snickerdoodles of shame" because they are more like snickerflatbread or snickerfrisbees, but I found the whole experience pretty wonderful.

family, cooking

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