sinckerdoodles of shame

Dec 10, 2009 14:08

I was stuck at home yesterday night because of some car troubles, but it worked out great because my sister came over to keep me company. She wanted some sister advice time (always flattering to the older sister) and after we talked we sat down to watch some episodes of Farscape together. Somewhere in there she got a sugar craving and I decided ( Read more... )

family, cooking

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Comments 5

I don't know but the movie may have this one right. adoka December 10 2009, 20:49:13 UTC
I am not too sure how true it is because I saw it portrayed in the movie Julie and Julia but one of the scenes shows a scandalized Julia Childs/Meryl Streep learning from the author of the Joy of Cooking that she never really cooked the recipes in the Joy of Cooking. If it's true you may have just come upon one of those untried recipes.


contentlove December 10 2009, 22:14:17 UTC
Ahhhh, the JoC, a real blast from the past when it comes to the breathtaking amount of butter and sugar she generally recommends for baked goods. Weird about the cookies this one of those old-timey cookie doughs that are supposed to chill in the refrig and then get cut?


bambina_cricket December 12 2009, 02:04:41 UTC
This is sweet and awesome. I can picture you two laughing and having a great time while doing this :)


psy December 12 2009, 09:01:33 UTC
Hehe. Awesome. What a blast.

I think that cream of tartar is simply a powder that's acidic, since the baking soda needs an acid to react with a provide bubbles. And I think that's precisely what baking powder generally is--baking soda plus an acid to react with when wetted. I've fudged baking soda + cream of tartar before by using enough baking power to equal or just barely exceed the combined volumes of the other two and it's worked out okay.


loreleyjacob January 5 2010, 12:53:17 UTC
Cooking/baking is always wonderful to me :) I loved reading this post.


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