Title: dream chasers Rating: g Pairing: kai/luhan Summary: they chase dreams. they get lost in dreams. but not anymore; not when both of them are together. A/N: written for exoplosion's seventh drabble challenge for the ((lost in thought)) prompt.
Title: inevitable Rating: g Pairing: ((ot3)) baekhyun/chanyeol/lay Summary: baekhyun has a crush on bookshop owner chanyeol. A/N: written for exoplosion's fifth drabble challenge for the ((secret crush)) prompt.
Title: the person in between Rating: pg-13 Pairing: ((ot3)) baekhyun/chanyeol/kris Warning(s):[click!]implied character death. onesided!kris/baekhyun. Summary: kris doesn't want to be an intruder. A/N: written for exoplosion's third drabble challenge. inspired by this mv.