It's 9pm and I'm at The Office

Nov 21, 2007 21:03


Because it's about 35 miles closer to Bakersfield (my destination tonight) than my place in San Diego.  I'm going to leave in about 30 minutes with the hope that most of the crap holiday traffic will have subsided a bit.  If all goes well I'll make it to Bako by about 1am.  Mom's plans to hang with her husband's family (they do each year) were scrapped when most of the folks on Michael's (step-dad) side came down with the flu. They're going to stay in Bakersfield which means I get to see 'em a bit more which is great.

I'll pick my sister Liz (Lissy) up tomorrow with my nephews around 10am to head to my Dad's.  My brother-n-law Scott is going to go hunting and then meet us up there a bit later.  My Dad has invited about 13 other people whom none of us have met before so I think Scott might have the right idea.  I'm keeping hope alive though because Dad and Melinda (his wife who is awesome) are neat people who tend to have neat friends.  We'll see.  I was hoping to get some Dad time but I dunno if that'll happen.  If anything, maybe I can lay some ground work for something in the future.  I'm even thinking around trying to plan a trip or a weekend for just he and I.  I know it's sort of movie of the week cliche but I keep thinking that if I don't attempt this I'll regret it.

Friday my Grandparents will come to my Mom's place so I'll get to see them and visit.  I'm going to stay in town on Saturday and then drive to Laguna that night and stay at my Mom's condo there.

Sunday I'm planning to meet John at Disney to get our Christmas MK/CA fix.  I realized today that my Season Pass never arrived in the mail so I'll have to sort that out when I get there.  They took my money and they send me the news magazine so the pass is the only thing lacking.  When I was there for Gay Days my pass was in the system so hopefully there won't be much to do to get it straightened out.

I'm totally procrastinating about this drive North.  I like being here in the office by myself listening to music and reading LJ...  The idea of getting on the freeway with all those random Holiday drivers is not my idea of a good time.  At least at this hour most of the real yahoos should be at their destinations and not out driving 70 in my Fast Lane.


I swear, I've been in the most sentimental mood lately.  I think I just completely click over into this introspective cave bear in the Fall and then I forget about it during the spring and summer only to have it come back around each year.  Anyhow, I thought I'd list out a few people/things I'm thankful for before hitting the road.

My San Diego Friends - As I evolve and change you stay with me... Supportive and understanding.  You listen when I need someone to hear me.  You share yourselves with me and help me grow.  You party like fucking rockstars and you help me find the best when I'm feeling at my worst.

My LA Friends - My home away from home.  The family at the equator of my old home and my new one.  Whenever I feel like my batteries have run down I can head to LA and y'all just fill me up (ahem).

LiveJournal - It's a crazy thing to think about but about 80% of the (gay) folks in my life are on LiveJournal.  And that's a good thing.  The ability to share of ourselves in such a big way has helped me understand myself in ways I never considered in the past.  When I think back to a time when the only way to meet men online was through 411 or icuii it just blows my mind.  How did I ever make it without LJ? :-)

sluggobear - Mikey, I know we joke about how yer the hub in the bear wheel o' life in SD...  Just realize that it's a joking way of saying something that we can all agree on.  San Diego (heck, the world for that matter) is a better place because of you.  And yer very queer.

intoutdoors - Scott, thanks for taking me there.  It's a better place to be.

maverick1303 - Matt, when you came to town I didn't just get a new partner of Mikey's that I could tolerate (ha!)... I got a fucking kick-ass friend and partner in crime.  I'm truly thankful for that.

bearxxl - John, thanks for listening to all my bullshit, being my Monday night companion, and embracing yer Disney geek with me.

Ha! - Told you I was in a sentimental mood.  Listening to Spring Awakening and Great Lake Swimmers will do that to a guy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone...

being a pussy, friends, travel, thanksgiving, family

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