Good Times at Six Flags aka Camp Jesus

Nov 20, 2007 15:40

I realize it's a bit after the fact but last weekend was a mighty fun time.  Mikey really outdid himself getting the various tribes together for a trip to Popstarz at The Factory in WeHo, a day at Six Flags Magic Mountain, and an enjoyable dinner later that evening.  Thanks again
sluggobear - although you are clearly The Gay you are also The Awesome.

We missed a lot of the LA guys at Popstarz.  Wayne made it out as did Hot Scott and the music was as per usual - the hotness.  Bonus points to
maverick1303 for getting ripped and freaking with at least four different people on the dance floor that were total strangers at 10pm and fast friends by 12:30am - hehe.  I think Mikey even has video of it somewherez.  And can I say for the record that I still love jumping up and down like a dork when they play Kelly C's "Since You've Been Gone" (I also still sing "Snakes on a Plane" in my head because - well, I just can't let that go).  For the most part we were well behaved and didn't drink too much.  Again, points to Matt for letting it all hang out.  You might have noticed the shot of him I posted to LJ at In-N-Out... We were giving him a hard time and he'd just jumped tables yelling "Consider yourself left!"  He followed that up with dumping Tom's fries and catchup on the floor.  Yaay Matt.

The next morning we actually pulled it all together and got to the park in plenty of time.  I think we had about 25+ folks along for the day including
coryblank who would have won the prize for person traveling the farthest except that Dave and Marcos from Hawaii trumped him on that.  Was good to finally meet Cory.

The weather was excellent and all the rides in the park were open except Viper.  In odd but true news, it was some sort of Youth Ministries day so there were a bunch of groups of teens in matching shirts who were there to pray and be emo-Christian with each other.  We countered that by being a little more gay than normal (crazy, eh?) and I was presented with a pink superman cape so I could go into Super Gay mode and defend my peeps from possible hate crimes.

We immediately hit X and rocked that shit.  Damn that's a good ride!  Later in the day Mikey's sister JoAnne met up with us with her boyfriend and his son as well as Michael from LA.  I think my ride tally for the day was X (2), Scream (2), Superman, Goliath (2), Collosus, Ninja, and Tatsu. I sat in the front for Tatsu and wow it did a number on me.  It felt like every drop of blood in my body was in my head by the end of the ride.  Tom and I rode in the front for our second ride on X and I think it's come back around as my favorite ride in the park.  Once you get past how much it royally F's with yer skull and actually are able to sorta take in the ride it's really even more amazing.

From the park we grabbed just about everyone and headed to dinner.  A lot of surprises at dinner including seeing some folks it'd been too long since I saw last (
garycotti, Chris,
rrumm, Kevin, Richard...)  I think there was about 34 at dinner.  Had a great time sitting next to Michael and Richard--I could've talked to 'em all night...

Was tough to say goodbye to everyone and I'm already trying to figure when I can go back to LA and spend more time with the boys.  I think I'd forgotten a bit just how great it is to spend time with 'em all.

The ride home was fun.  Matt was my co-pilot and I really enjoyed the time spent busting each other up over the random illogical nature of SoCal drivers among other things...

Sunday I didn't do much of anything...
bearxxl was back in town from his trip to become a Grand Master Yan so we headed out for sushi and caught up on the last week or so of life.

Last night at the bar it was really busy - dunno why.  This crazy hot English guy came in with some of his mates for a few beers.  They're headed to Lazy Bear Christmas this weekend.  The eye candy was much appreciated.  Like I posted, Tom came in and gave me these super keen shoe/skate/thingies that I had spotted when we were in LA.  After I finish this post I'm gonna play test them here in the apartment on the hard wood floors.

Tomorrow I'll drive North to Bakersfield.  My sister and the kids and I will drive up to Dad's for Thanksgiving Thurs morning and I'll spend Friday and possibly all of Saturday in Bakersfield.  I'm toying with the idea of going to Disney with John on Sunday to check all the Christmas extras they put out.

Pictures from Six Flags etc can be seen here or by clicking on the photo below...  Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

friends, la, good times, trips, magic mountain, theme parks

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