Friday in Bakersfield

Nov 23, 2007 12:44

Yeesh, I slept 'til about 11:30am today.  I think my body wanted a holiday after eating four helpings of turkey the day before.  Now I'm a little bleary but feeling good.  Almost ready to have something to eat.

Thanksgiving day was nice.  While my brother-n-law and nephew Josh were out hunting, Liz and I drove up to Dad's with my other nephew Nathan.  We had a good time catching up and driving up the windy canyon road to Lake Isabella and then Wofford Heights.  Dad looked good.  He's lost some weight at last - I think the high blood pressure and newly diagnosed diabetes demands that of a person.  He still sprinkled salt on his entire plate of food but what can you do? (other than not do the same).  The turkey was amazingly good.  Melinda picked up the recipe for seasoning it through Williams Sonoma - wow!  They had invited some friends over for the dinner and they were all pretty interesting and fun to talk to.  I brought some wine that Chris and Dan had given me and it was delicious.  The four of us that drank it just kept commenting on how good it was - thanks again guys.

After the guests left we ate some more pie and just sat around and talked some.  Dad was really pleased to hear how well his sermon had gone over with my LJ friends.  He showed me a DVD of a wedding ceremony that a gay couple they had befriended had in '06.  Two bearish guys (one in a kilt) in England - it was really nice.  Dad and Melinda met them on one of their trips and have kept in touch ever since.  I told Dad to tell his friends I had been to The King's Arms and XXL to see if they would blink twice or not.  I got a kick out of how much bear shwag my Dad has.  Pictures on the walls, figurines on tables... hehe.

My Mom bought me Super Mario Galaxy as part of my Christmas present.  She didn't really try to keep it a surprise.  I mentioned last night that I wanted it and then this morning she mentioned she'd bought part of my present at Target - so, you do the math.  I just have to wait 'til Christmas now to play it - but I don't mind.

Ok - time for some food. 
bearxxl, looks like my sister is going to join us on Sunday - Woo Hoo!  Do you know anyone else that wants to go so we'll have an even four?

Wish I could swing a trip over to PS to hang with all of y'all at the Sweat Dance but it's just not in the cards this time around.  Enjoy!

bakersfield, good times, family

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