...he's that sick. I really don't know what to think. Now, more than anything...I plan to go to those last 2 lives in Tokyo. I said the March live would be the last. I said the live last week would be the last. But I'm making the shows on the 29th & 30th, my last ones. I'll move my flight back a week to accommodate it. I know it sounds like crazy
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5月6日(火)ライカエジソン大阪店NEW!! START/14:00 サイン&握手会&Exceed five barriers. ※Exceed five barriers....イベントごとに異なった5つの関門を突破すると メンバーと6ショット撮影会に参加できます。関門突破条件は当日までシークレット!! "When you exceed five barriers different in each event
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[edit uno]: That's a nice way of looking at it. Makes him seem like not such a big meanie. Somehow, I just feel like a lot of things in this world irk dear Reo. He seems like an
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