Yuuki really isn't coming back...

May 03, 2008 23:05

...he's that sick. I really don't know what to think. Now, more than anything...I plan to go to those last 2 lives in Tokyo. I said the March live would be the last. I said the live last week would be the last. But I'm making the shows on the 29th & 30th, my last ones. I'll move my flight back a week to accommodate it. I know it sounds like crazy fan talk, but I really wanna do this and don't mind being judged for it. This is my last chance to be a child.

5月29日(木) OPEN 17:00/START 17:30 前売券:\3,000(D別\500)
場所:渋谷O-WEST 当日券:\3,500(D別\500)
問合せ:enter brain:052-760-2477
出演アーティスト:Black:List / DEATHGAZE / UnsraW / RENTRER EN SOI / born / Opening Act;meth. / ギルガメッシュ

...7 bands. All of which I wanna see. lysalie28!! You should come to this show. o-o

5月30日(金) OPEN 16:30/START 17:00 前売券:\2,500(D別\500)
場所:高田馬場AREA 当日券:\3,000(D別\500)
問合せ:高田馬場AREA 03-3361-1069
出演アーティスト:LiZ / UnsraW / Dali / vistlip / born / ダウナー / 他
■LiZ PRESENTS LIVE LiZ Display~Impulse L∞P Vol.7~ -Ring of Black Pulse-■

...I'm dreading the fact that there are more bands than just this many. If only Sel'm or DELUHI could play, that'd be sweet.

This still isn't happening yet. Gimme 6 months for closure.

[edit]: Sweet.

5/31 - Sadie's "undie Night Fever" FC event @ Holiday Shinjuku
6/1 - DELUHI @ Ikebukuro CYBER (Leda (leh-dah?) has it tough, Galneryus plays Osaka the day before)

Then, I'm done for real. I'm seriously due for some reportage, but the packages! So many packages. And the emails. OMG the emails. Ugh, the POSTERS! I wish they'd send themselves.

I really wanna update about Sadie. There's just so much to say, I don't even know where to start.

サディ, deluhi, unsraw, 勇企

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