5 DAYS: January 19th & 20th. February 3rd, 10th & 11th.

Feb 13, 2008 02:22

I feel like I've reached the highest point of my lynch. fandom.
I got myself a Hazuki bottle. YAY! My 3rd attempt at one.
The first two had been at Himeji BETA, on 2 separate occasions...
They both hit me. This one, I caught in midair...and the other guy just let go of it. XD
And the announcement of their upcoming live DVD was the icing on the cake.
But that was actually announced during the MC. X3
Bah~ I'll write more in my entry. Let's go!

*_______________* This made up for not going to their Likea instore in Osaka. Those bitches. XD The mini-live was basically a oneman, and only played the songs on their new CD. They were playing in the basement of the Tower Records in Shibuya...which was actually a pretty decent venue. We walked there from Harajuku, and made it there in plenty of time. Ppl were waiting outside of the store. We went to the bathroom beforehand since we had a bit of time. And afterwards, we walked down the stairwell into our spots 73 & 74. XD Which ended up being pretty damn good considering it fit more than 200ppl, and was sold out. Yup.

Waiting in line:

...we actually had tickets ahead of Giru's jouren. =O

While we were waiting in line...Tora from Sel'm & Junji from lynch. hurried down the stairs. X333 They were so close. Wearing sunglasses at night. Hah! It wasn't before long that we entered the venue, and received drink tickets. O_O Drink tickets?! Fuck. We make $...little did I realize that they had to be redeemed before the live started. I should have read the ticket beforehand. I would have liked something to drink. -_-

We set our stuff in the back, and hurried towards the stage. We were about 5 rows back in front of Satoshi. XDDD~ It was getting pretty packed, and it was getting really hot. The intro flowed through the speakers. And the members came out all at once, save for Satoshi. They dove right into it. XDDD~ Man. It was awesome. My first Girugamesh oneman...and it was free.

I especially enjoyed Shining, Shoujo A, & Dance Rock Night. Just thinking about it makes me so happy that I can see them again. *-* So grateful. I'm going to Kyoto & Kobe this weekend. Yup. The only thing missing was the fact that I didn't hear any of their older songs. There were some slips during the show when Ryo got some songs mixed. It sucks when there are glitches that can't be controlled due to software issues. Their MCs were funny. Satoshi made everyone talk since it was an instore...and it was special. X3 Nii & Ryo thanked ppl, and Shuu wouldn't shut up. XDDD He asked ppl if they bought their CD. *dies* How else would we be here?! ~_~ He also talked about them going abroad. "Are there any Americans here?" *raises hand*...I look around and see that all these Japanese ppl were raising their hands. Why is Girudom full of fail? XD He was like, "You're lying." And I screamed, "Really!" He then asked about the Europeans & Asians, where even more fans raised their hands. Stupid. Really stupid. Hahahahha!

They ended w/ the requisite kowareteiku sekai...which was really really dramatic because even Shuu ended up crying. Eb was paying attention, and I was looking at Satoshi...so I didn't notice. I remember leaving the venue being really pissed about not getting a drink. And I noticed none of the members got gifts, except for the group box that had a couple bottles of champagne.

Marquee @ the front of the store:

On the 21st, Linda & her parents visited Japan and we met up in Shibuya. We stopped by the Tower Records again, and there were polaroids of the band in the VK section of the store. X3 She snapped pics, and I need to ask her for them. XDDD~

Shopping all over Shibuya & Harajuku was fun too! I'm sure her parents were amused. I hadn't seen them in ages. XD And they treated us to food...I think they were expecting to pay more, but I was being super-cheapy. Cuz that's the Asian in me that doesn't wanna inconvenience others. But it was totally McD & crepes. Haha. They were thoroughly amused by Japan. And Linda loves Liz Lisa now. XDDD~ And Japanese customer service. She got some great buys.

Here are the pictures that were posted in the VK section (credits to lilstrawberry01 Thanks!!!):

Their lil msgs are cute. :d And Satoshi has surprisingly neat handwriting.
I need to look at this and compare it w/ the handwritten lyrics in Reason of Crying...cuz I'm that kinda curious fan.

The next day was the show at ZEPP. Woohoo!!! Sadie, lynch., and D'espairsRay playing at the same show. Heaven much? We didn't get there on time, but it didn't matter cuz we were ticket #600+. And getting to the front wasn't much of a task. We put our stuff in a locker, and headed in.


The line-up order was Shoujo Lolita 23q, Sadie, lynch., Moi dix Mois, D'espairsRay, & Plastic Tree. The treat for the entire night was Plastic Tree. I never managed to see them play here in Osaka...even though they played BIG CAT & MUSE. They were never on a day I could go, nor were tickets very obtainable. They played "melancholic"...and it totally blew my mind. It totally reawakened me when I sang along. XDDDD~ Ryuutarou is not gay! On stage, it just seems like he's totally drugged out. And his MC was so adorable...he introduced the members, and said that when combined...they are Plastic Tree. X333 I just about died. I really hope I can see them again before I go back to America. Or fuck. They're huge. They should play in America. They played Mexico already.

Back to the show. I felt Shoujo was really misplaced in today's line-up and maybe should have switched w/ Jinkaku Radio from the 1st day. =/ Oh well. We stood a bit further back, and were in awe...at the very raver feel of their music. Esp. with all those lights. @-@ We got to see Toga & Sara in person...so that was interesting.

Sadie had a good set too...and only later did we find out that Mao had to go to the hospital cuz his health was poor.

1. under the chaos
2. confusion
3. サイレントイヴ
4. a holy terrors
5. 迷彩

Silent Eve is seriously my favorite song of theirs. And a holy terrors is moving up the list of songs I like. Too play at such a big venue must have been refreshing for them. I feel like for them, it was definitely a milestone. Just like at Namba Hatch. Mizuki's tongue is outta control.

Next up was lynch. and we had moved closer to the center. OMG. Hazuki looked so emaciated and pasty. I can't imagine how else to describe him. He either looked in bad shape or his foundation was 2 shades too light for him. And the bags under his eyes were heavy. And he was wearing a trenchcoat, while Yusuke was wearing a no-sleeve.

1. i'm sick,b'cuz luv u
2. liberation chord
3. 新曲
4. a grateful shit
5. Unknown lost a beauty
6. pulse_

Their new song seemed like a lot of their recent stuff mixed together. There's English in it. And the next couple of times I heard it, I tried my best to make it out. A lot of the ppl there weren't particularly lynch. fans, but you could tell they got into it.

Moi dix Mois played...and I nearly died. I was getting kinda faint just standing there not doing anything, while their fans were being rabid. I felt like I had almost zero room to stand, and I eventually just squatted down. I was just waiting for their set to finish so that I could breathe properly. Eb says I need to eat more meat. I'm becoming anemic.

At the beginning of the show, we were all the way over on the left...and we made it to the right side by the end of the night. Haha. Karyu!!

2. Angeldust
3. Sixty nine ~69~
4. 浮遊した理想
5. Hollow

My last D'espairsRay show in what will be a long while...*-* Damn. When are they ever bad? I have yet to see that happen. Even when Hizumi broke his tambourine before, it was fine. He brought out a regular one for this show for Hollow. XDDD~ Their stage interaction gets more and more amusing. :D I'm missing their show on the 15th, and the fanclub only show on the 21st. =/ Well, my membership expired in January, so I prb couldn't have gone anyway. Oh well. It was a really good last show for me. :) Karyu is a sexy stick of a man. I swear, his skin tone makes him look like a cadaver. Has anyone else ever noticed that? The whole band...really. Living dead. But not all gothy pasty. Y'know?

Plastic Tree...I love their clothes. I was just staring at Ryuutarou's butterfly pin the whole time. It was so damn big. The way he talks...makes it seem like he's sleepy. Kinda like Jay Chou. God...who's also playing on the 15th & 16th in Tokyo. Damn this all to hell. We stood on Akira's side.
They played Maaka no Ito, melancholic, reset, and some other songs from Nega to Poji. I hadn't listened to them in ages, and I thought they would only play new stuff. I was so exhilarated. XDDD~ When I heard the staccato riffs of melancholic. I swear, I could have soared over the girl in front of me. Their whole set was heavenly.

At the very end, all the bands came out minus members. Hoshiko & Noriko were actually MC-ing throughout the night. Talking about the scene and how JaME was there. Shoujo came out first w/ only the bassist & drummer. Next Sadie came out minus Mao, who we learned was at the hospital. All of lynch. came out minus Junji, cuz he's not a member. ;______; Only Hizumi came out. Mana, the singer, and other guitarist came out. And then Plastic Tree...I think. They all talked about playing at ZEPP. It really was a huge venue, by Japanese Indies standards. We were then told to scream for/saku at our favorite member. -____- Saku-ing may have worked for the night before, but tonight's bands were not that type. Hoshiko. Noriko. You're lumping everything together.

From ZEPP:

I filled out an enquette...and then headed over to Saizeriya, which is now like our official after-live eating spot. We missed our last train, and just walked around Chiba at night. It was eerily empty. But we eventually just caught a taxi back to Eb's place, which wasn't too pricey.

And the next day was shopping~ There is never a day where you don't buy anything in Japan. Unless you don't leave your home, and even then...just living costs money. *sigh*

I was just in time for the Sel'm instore. I got there slightly past 3pm, and the members were already waiting on the stairs to get into the 1st floor. I sat myself in the last row...next to that guy I always see at shows. It was Tsubaki first, then Takuma, Tora & Manj". They still had the aura of being a new band, even though they've been around for 3 years. This was their first full-length release...and I thought it was damn good. I especially liked Barefaced Eye.

...taken as I was walking up the stairs in Honmachi station.

All I gotta say is that Sel'm is uncool in a very endearing way. I could have imagined cool answers for the questions asked, but they totally didn't deliver them. X3 They were asked a lot of random questions. Shampoo. Ramen. Animals. Colors. Et cetera. Only Takuma remembered that he used Dove shampoo. He's like the only one who cares, and was who the question was prb directed towards. Cuz his mane is fucking gorgeous. o-o Manj" likes his ramen HELLA spicy...so much that it gives him bowel issues. @_@ He had to leave twice during the instore to use the bathroom. D: Bad times for his tummy.

Everyone said that Tsubaki looked like a butterfly, but without wings...that's what Manj" said. With the glasses...and when he wears his blackouts, I guess I could see that. Poor guy. =/ They were asked about colors. Manj" = green, Tora = red, Takuma = black, & Tsubaki = blue. Manj" was definitely the most talkative of the band. Tora was laughing a lot of the time. Takuma was super shy, and prb would have put his back to us if he could. Tsubaki was the butt of jokes, but he seemed used to it and not broody about it. They got a question about playing lives abroad. And Tora was the only one to say he'd like to play in Europe. The other 3 just went on about not even thinking about it. XDDD So funny. They were asked where they'd like to play. Only Tora answered properly. Doesn't matter if you've actually thought about it. You could fucking say South Africa in 2010 if you wanted to. -______- That's why getting students to imagine was a terror.

The talk lasted for nearly an hour. And then it was time for the handshake/sign event. :D I never have much to say besides "I'm from America, and I like your music. See you at the show!" Haha. I'm so boring. I at least try to think of something. It was the same order for the signing. I was #26, so I had time to wait...I got my booklet out, and flipped through it wondering where'd they'd sign. I decided on asking them to sign next to their favorite song. :) Nice, right? Haha. Whatever. I got to Tsubaki, and asked him to sign next to a song. He chose 麗しい視界は憂いな罪...because he wrote it. I'm sure. I told him I was from America, but I couldn't go to their oneman because I'd be home by then. =/ He said that one day, they could play there. That's so nice. XD I shook his hand, and he gave me a firm one in return. Nice. Takuma was next...and I totally forget what I talked to him about. It was the same w/ me & Zero during the D'espairsRay one, but that was more about being shoved along than anything else. But he was nice, and signed オリエンタルリリー cuz he wrote it. X3 And gave me a good handshake.

Tora. Tora. Tora. He is mad sexy as fuck. How else can I say this. I seem to be making it a habit of seeing Sel'm in the back of the room. Up close, he seems to have fairy-like qualities...or should I say sprite, to make it seem less gay. He was wearing huuuge shades and all black clothing. I wish I could keep pants that black w/o them fading. And during the talk, I could just remember being able to see his dimples from all the way in the back. I swear, he's in the stop-you-in-your-tracks department when it comes to looks. Sasuga Shimokitazawa Boys. His personality is really cute too. He signed 神義眼...he writes all the lyrics, so maybe he enjoys singing this song at lives. I told him I'd be going to the show in Saitama next week and shook his hand firmly. On a final note before going to Manj", I asked him how N∞℃was pronounced cuz I seriously had no clue at all. North infinity in degrees Celsius? No. It's "nuudo"...like "nude". N-oo-do (like degrees, I guess) OMG!!! The gesture he made when explaining it was to die for. I was busting up so much. And he seemed amused. Stripping off his jacket at the table. Whut. XDDD Manj" was interesting~ I asked him to sign my booklet, and he chose Road of judgment, which is the last song on the CD. I told him I was from America. And he was like "Oooh, you don't look it." Then I told him my parents were from Hong Kong, but I was born and raised in California. He shook my hand twice. Both times...they were the normal one, transformed into the arm-wrestle style one. Haha. All these band boys think they be black. Next step is the one-armed hug.

The instore lasted about an hour, and I headed down to Shinsaibashi to spend the rest of the day~

Hmm, we actually got there incredibly early...and made it in time for lynch.'s irimachi. O_O Totally unintended. And apparently, UnsraW all came by train...except for someone who was able to drive. ~_~ Why have they become so ghetto? Rai totally whizzed right past us into the venue when we were checking the opening & start times that seemed to have changed, which in fact they didn't...and we ended up being late to the show. Our numbers were so good. D: Fuck.

We killed time by the JR station and did some shopping. Also, did purikura w/ Kiyoka.
Eb totally wants this hair for the Giru oneman. Hot, right? If I ever had bangs...

We made our way to the front section, and set our stuff to the side...where the backstage is just curtained off. Haha. Yea. I wanted to be center for UnsraW, so we just stayed there. We were about 6 rows back. But during the show, it was more like 3 rows back...esp. when ppl ran away from the water. Hilarity.

3. ~追憶の記憶~
4. under the skin
6. -9-
7. 嗤い鬼

It felt short though...even though it was longer than usual. Maybe just in comparison...the other bands prb got longer sets. They also had trouble, and Rai was gone for a whole song. =/ Wtf. D: Jun totally came to the front when Yuuki was fumbling around over the crowd. I couldn't even count how many times he dived. At least the crowd was packed enough...so he never fell to the ground. And there were quite a few parts where Yuuki didn't even sing...and just screamed randomly. DDDX And not even cool screams. I have no idea what's up. Where, oh where...did UnsraW go? I hope they pick themselves up. They can't be playing like this when they're with Sadie & lynch.; it's just not gonna cut it.

While we were waiting for the next band, everyone thought it'd be Sadie...but I totally heard Reo's effectors going off, and thought it'd be lynch. and it so was! XP Good times. I could hardly see anybody at this point. XD

1. enemy
2. alien tune
3. 59.
4. dizzy
5. ecdysis
6. lizard
7. melt
8. the universe
9. 新曲
10. liberation chord
11. unknown lost a beauty
12. pulse_

They could play twice as many songs as UnsraW, but that prb has more to do w/ how short their SE & songs are. Them playing lizard was pure mayhem for me & Eb. We freaked the fuck out as soon as we heard the drumming and twirly sounds of hotness. XDDD~ It needed more spit & slurpy noises, imo. And tonight, Hazuki totally looked at Eb...so she can't complain about him not paying attention to her. He spreads it out thinly. XD (It was tonight, right?)I loved how this time wasn't deadly packed, so I could still enjoy myself. And after a 2nd listen of their new song, I've come to really love the intro & Reo growly bits. I was also really happy about dizzy & ecdysis cuz they don't make that many live appearances aside from onemans. During pulse_, Hazuki totally sprayed water at the center, and dived into the crowd!!! WTF!!!!?! Are you Yuuki now? Huh?! Wha...it was funny, cuz he totally didn't know what he was in for. HAHAHAHHAHA!!! He was also embarassingly cheesy during their set. Pursing his lips. Licking his lips. Squishing his face. Wtf. Really. Ha~zu~ki~

Sadie was next, and we moved further back as girls just seemed to rush forward. For their set, I could pretty much only see the ppl who moved forward. I'm not even really sure how the front actually is...but I know that members can step up and reach the ceiling, and hold onto it. Sadie fans need to be better about keeping track of their songs. XDDD~ I just remember not knowing 2 of their songs cuz they were new. The new stuff doesn't seem as bombastic as The Bullet Storm, and are actually softer, imo. Is this their emo release? I can't wait to hear what "Dustin' fucker life" sounds like...unless I've already heard it, and didn't know. DX

They started off w/ Meisai...and ended w/ Mousou Masochism. It was a really long set cuz they got to play last. It always seems to be this case though. Whenever there are 2 days of lives, Sadie gets to end the first show...and lynch. gets to end the second show. I swear it's Reo's guile to leave the lasting impression. XDDD~ Business-minded LAWSON freeter-man!!! O____________O Yea.

They've been playing a holy terrors a lot lately, and I enjoy that. Esp. the intro and the first few lines of the song itself. I guess I may have noticed this before, but Mao's face always seems to be so wrought with anguish and turmoil. And his growls are really sharp and piercing. Bah. Let's end it here, I can't remember it so well anymore since the 2nd day's show was better.

I had to go buy all my goods. x_x That was actually really hard cuz I had to buy from all 3 bands. Buying from Sadie is fine...cuz the girls know what they be doing. But UnsraW's new roadie seems to be scared shitless of doing anything wrong to the point that he does things very slowly. DDD: I miss Yukky! And lynch.'s new guy is their manager, who wouldn't know customer service if it bowed at him. Seriously. Reo needs to give him tips about what to do. Yes. You put the goods into the bag before handing it over to the customer. This is not a supermarket. I miss Akira! XO I never thought I'd say that.

We stayed for lynch.'s demachi. X3 And then went off to drink. Eb gave Hazuki chocolate. o-o Haha. Apparently, he had that scared look that ppl have when they think they might need to speak English. XDDD~ That's too funny. I don't believe in giving chocolate, and besides I don't have that kinda extra money...when I could be enjoying the chocolate myself. Hmph. They went there merry way to the parking lot across the street. But Reo was like hesitant...going in? going out? where? what? XDDD Wth. We left to go drinking & host-harassing w/ Kendra. XD But we were at Saizeriya for quite a while brainstorming questions.

Went home tired as fuck w/o sleep...and Eb had to move all her stuff to Makuhari-hongo.
I'm surprised I wasn't dead the next day. Just dead.

We were literally late for this show. I heard Sel'm-tones flowing out of the venue...even when I was across the street. Oh well. What can you do? I said I was there for Sel'm...and made my way into the venue. Me & Eb were basically stuck in the back left corner near the exit until Sel'm had a break to catch their breath. Then we moved towards the back center where there was space to put our stuff. X_X Osmosis does not exist here. Ppl will just stand tightly packed for when there is clearly space elsewhere. DX For the rest of their set, I stood in the back in front of Tora. He's hot even from the back of the house. There were lotsa Sel'm fans peppered in the back. The few girls around me were singing along and rocking out. Sucked to be that far though...cuz it was seriously far. Far. I still enjoyed myself though. And it was great to hear the songs live finally. I'm devastated that I missed Barefaced Eye live. DDD: Wtf. Joshia. Wtf. We came in during the 3rd song. ;_____________________;

1. Barefaced Eye
2. Road of judgment
3. 鏡花粋月
4. 麗しい視界は憂いな罪
5. Erase the cast
6. 暁
7. 神義眼
8. Devastation

It was a decent amount of songs, and I get to see them again next month...so that'll be awesome. I want their t-shirt. =O

Sadie was next, and we snaked through to the middle of the venue. We hit a wall, and couldn't move any further in until they played. I just went for the emptiness in front of these girls who would not move at all. -___________________- Hate. At least move out of the way, so you don't get hurt. They played Silent Eve, and I was so happy...but the lyrics are sad. We were so much closer to Tsurugi. The only other time I was that close...was when I blacked out. Bad times. But Tsurugi's side isn't so boring anymore. He's just plain hilarious now. XDDD~ <333 Just can't get enough at this point. Why can't Tsurugi & Mizuki be on the same side?! D: Well, if I just stand further back...seeing the full show is no trouble at all. XD

Mao needs to be satisfied w/ the screams of fans like Hazuki. Hazuki gives us OK signs to show us we've done enough. I'm screaming my brains out during Sadie, and Mao just eggs us on for more. That bitch. Dx

After their set, I found Mizuki's pick during our move forward for lynch. This time, I was more on Reo's side. Hisashiburi. I really don't find him as interesting as Junji, nonetheless...he can be fun to watch on stage cuz he gets so into himself. He's almost an older version of Tsurugi. XD This show just felt so different than the Route 14 show. It might have had to do w/ the venue. Route 14 is a hole in the wall, while Heaven's Rock is a classy venue w/ a proper stage and ample space. There also seemed to be color in Hazuki's cheeks...so that means like he's eating and drinking a healthy amount. Thanks, Mizuki!! =O


1. quarter life
2. i'm sick,b'cuz luv u
4. the whirl
5. roaring in the dark
6. 新曲
7. the universe
8. alien tune
9. dazzle
10. pulse_
11. unknown lost a beauty

en1. a grateful shit


The whirl was absolutely beautiful, even though he doesn't do the wailing live anymore. *-* Hazuki's voice broke during roaring~, and my heart nearly skipped a beat...cuz I've never heard such a glaring crack. I could see how disconcerted he was in his eyes. D: But he kept going...which is how it's done! :) Much respect. In the new song, Hazuki uses his Hazuki-go. "...inside my head...inside my head. What's inside my head? XXX in my head." Haha. I need to see the lyrics.

There was also a lot less cheese tonight, and they all looked like they were having so much fun. I couldn't see the shimote side very well, except for slight glimpses of Junji, who has that adorable smirk. Xd And Hazuki totally gave him a shout out during Unknown~ <3 that. Junji has gotten noticeably skinnier. His face looks a bit sunken compared to the past. ;_______________; Will he now be the bassist formerly known as Chubster? *cries*

For their MC, Hazuki had a big announcement! Junji joining the band?! No. BUT!!! They will have a live dvd! =O omg!! finally. It'll be live-only release, and they'll be selling it starting on the 23rd this month. *______________* I'm getting one for me & one for Jane. Muahahahhaha! Goodness. I can't wait. And I'm not even finished. The crowning moment of the night! I guess I mentioned it at the beginning, but I got Hazuki's bottle. It was seriously such a great feeling. I don't think I could recreate it into words or images. It must have been written all over my face. Man. I've never felt so fangirly. They still had their encore, but the call was weak...and I had was one of the louder voices that kept it going.

Afterwards, we got our drinks...and I realized that the lady at the front exchanged my ticket for one that was printed properly w/ Sel'm on it instead of UnsraW. I didn't even notice. I got the grape chu-hi which sucks ass! Never get it. Promise me. Esp. not the diet one, which is ass!! I hate diet drinks w/ a passion. I might as well not be drinking it then. I didn't hit the goods table, since I got everything the first night. We went out and got flyers...and waited on the side where the vans were. And I noticed this group of guys just waiting over by lynch.'s van. They all move around as they notice more and more girls coming out...and it's UnsraW. o-o Wtf? They were here to see the show? Were the guests? Why weren't they inside? O-O Jun & I exchanged awkward laughs. He was prb like "Haha. She's here." And I was like, "Haha! They're here."

They kept walking up and down the street. They'd stop...and then start walking again. They'd go inside the venue, and then leave it again. And when nearly everything was packed...they made their way to the station...w/ their new roadie in tow. Poor guy. Doesn't know what to do. I think they were all wearing black jackets. That incognito attempt didn't work. Girls actually pitied them. -___________- This whole failing-at-being-cool thing is really starting to hurt my feelings. It's just annoying now.

I took a pic of this while waiting:

Eb had chocolate ready for Takuma, Junji, Mizuki, & Tsurugi. XDDD~ She handed them to all of them individually. Hahaha. Sel'm's van was in the parking lot...so she went over there to hand them to Takuma, who like didn't realize she was there for him. X3 That's so funny. I was standing very far away from the fray. She said Junji was really cute in person. X3 Like I need to be reminded. And Tsurugi was really happy to receive chocolate, as was Mizuki. XDDD~ That's so the reason they're in the Valentine's day live. They'll receive tons of it. *-* Japan is so backwards. Men don't appreciate chocolate the way women do. They just don't. I'm sure of it. The cravings girls can get are just incredible. I ended up handing my 2 days worth of enquettes to lynch.'s manager because he was the only one I could reach. It's not like I needed to hand it over to an actual member. Just an enquette, which I would have handed in had I been allowed to fill it out inside the venue. =/ Man. He be nervous. Young girls crowdin' on him. Dunno if he's so used to that. u-u

Went to Shinjuku to host watch from the 2nd floor of McD. It's actually really funny. Just the moments. Getting late. Eb had to catch her last train. I hope work wasn't too difficult after this weekend. I got on my bus...w/ all my crap. D: They need a humidifier on the bus, if they're gonna crank up the heat that much. I felt so dehydrated. Could have been a combo of the live & heat though. I felt like I couldn't drink enough. I drank Hazuki's water. And my grapefruit juice, and then a mixed fruit drink...when I couldn't take my dry throat anymore. Like a cactus w/ no water preserves. ;_;

Got back home around 9ish, and passed out...and missed Skypes from my family, and when they finally got through. Angry-ness. I just fail at keeping in touch, and cause nothing but endless worry and disappointment for them. At least, that's what I think. I'm sure it's not too far from the truth. I wish I had a clear vision of my future. Then it wouldn't be so hard. Do ppl always know what they want, or do they just stumble upon it accidentally...and just roll with it? Hmm? Don't tell me. It's a combination of both. It's always like that.

On the bus ride back, I decided to check Mizuki's blog...cuz I knew he'd update a bit. His final entry was about taking a new picture. I thought that meant that they'd have new photos for Sadie. But no...I was delightfully surprised:

Tsukigumi strikes again!!

If I ever have a band, I'd name it Florian. XD I don't think I could get away with naming my son that w/o him being branded as gay. Although, it could be shortened to Ian. Florian is such a pretty name. I so have a customer by that name, and Eb's former roommate had it too. Sounds like a girl's name right? But it's a dude's name. Dude. XDDD~ Eb & Raymond will just have a free-for-all in naming their kid Sebastian. Good luck to you both!!

Now off to do the Giru blogs that I was too busy for this weekend. They are updating like fiends! 4 entries. D: [edit uno]: It's 5 entries now!!! XO I'm trying to translate. Dammit! [edit dos]: I updated w/ more pics of Shibuya. There was a group polaroid shot. :D

Wow, the Graduation Live in Osaka was already a year ago. Time flies. This entry took about 5hrs.

And this is awesome!! I wanna see it in person. ._.

ギルガメッシュ, 葉月, 月組, purikura, 入り待ち, d'espairsray, 出待ち, サディ, plastic tree, unsraw, 美月, lynch., sel'm, photos

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