Apr 12, 2010 16:59
Okay. So. I'm sure a lot of people know about Dead Fantasy, yes? Well, Monty Oum posted a journal on his DA today asking for non-FF-or-DoA womens (preferably) who wear mostly red. I was skimming through the comments, see who all was suggested, when I came across this gem.
"Terra Branford.
'Nuff said.
Though I'm not expecting much since this pathetic Namine fetish popped up. Only pedobear would be pleased. At least Aqua wasn't annoying. And legal. And kinda hot."
...Now, let's ignore the fact that they didn't pay ANY ATTENTION AT ALL to what Monty said about no Final Fantasy girls. Let's pay attention to the blatant disrespect he has shown the artist for doing the Namine renders he has done.
He calls Monty pathetic. Calls the use of a lot of Namine renders a fetish. Has called Monty a pedophile, claims that only pedos would be pleased (I'm pleased, does that make me a fucking pedo? No--I just think the renders are VERY pretty.)... ...Oh. And then he tries to shove his own like of Aqua (who he says is hot, hinting the he just wants to see her done in a hi-def Monty render just to drool over her) onto Monty.
It's just... So disrespectful. To Namine fans (he pretty much calls all Namine fans pedos) and most definitely to the artist who gets to CHOOSE who he uses in his art.