What the ffff...?

Apr 07, 2010 16:37

Okay. So. BBS spoilers. Sorry.

Okay, so, I'm on Gaia today. This random person comments on my profile, first asking who Ventus is (WTF?). Then, she randomly asks, "And Even is Ienzo's guardian, right?" I correct her that, no, ANSEM adopted Ienzo. Even's just the baby-sitter.

...To which she goes, "Congrats, Zexy. You're being baby-sat by a pedophile!"


I stared at my screen.

Okay, let's get a few things straight. All Even = baby-sitter means is that, you know, Ansem TRUSTS him. A LOT. It doesn't mean he's a pedophile. Yes, he may be one of the older characters, but look at it like this: Ienzo may be a kid, but he's a goddamn genius. He will likely find older people, who can talk to him and understand what he's talking about (if he's voluntarily/temporarily mute), far better companions that Little!Kairi, who would probably just stare at him when he started using big words.

Her "proof" for him being a pedo? "Well, he's an old man, and he hangs around Ienzo..."

...Even's age is debatable, for one. And two, of COURSE he's hanging around Ienzo if he's baby-sitting their KING'S ADOPTIVE SON. Hell, I wouldn't let that kid out of my SIGHT if I were him. Just... Ugh. Her logic is both laughable and headdesk-worthy.
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