Get your facts straight, please?

Apr 14, 2010 22:04

Before we begin, let it just be known that I have nothing against people who find that Xion isn't their cup of tea. I understand that not everyone can love just about every single character like I do. However... I do find myself arguing their reasons, on some occasions.

Now, someone on Deviantart commented on how Xion was a cockblock. They really didn't say anything besides that. Now, me, I have an issue with statements like those because it just comes off to me like male characters can't have a female friends if they're already in a romantic relationship, whether homosexual or heterosexual. I pointed this out.

Just recently, the person replied on how they didn't hate Xion because she was a, quote, "cockblock", unquote. I would ponder why they would state that in the first place, then, but whatever. Their reasoning?

Because Xion fought against Roxas as one of his final bosses. According to their reasoning, she cannot be a good friend if she tries to kill them. She's, in their eyes, a backstabber.

Let's just ignore the fact that we were at first lead to believe that Xemnas had 'repogrammed' her, leaving her with no choice. Let's ignore the fact that she and Roxas could not exist at the same time and it was either her or him. Let's ignore the fact that she seemed to attack Roxas purely so that he would fight and defeat her, thus letting him live and showing him that, while a Magnificent Bastard, Xemnas is still a bastard who should be stopped.

Although I must wonder... Axel is definitely more in the backstabbing area than Xion, with his constant lying and how he initially goes after Roxas as the assassin chosen. Why doesn't this person hate Axel as well, since he attacked Roxas?

I don't mind if people don't like Xion... But at least make sure your canon-based facts are actually facts. Did I get something wrong?
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