
Feb 10, 2006 00:33

  • donated bagged clothing to Goodwill (came home and discovered I forgot a shirt. oops!)
  • deposited small bit of cash into chequing account
  • did one load of dishes chez N
  • brought the rest of the dried laundry back home from N's
  • researched the effects of MSG on rodents and how it's related to obesity and diabetes (see search for "MSG obese")
  • called Student Loan people and got business taken care of. Will have to fill out more paperwork in about a month. Will NOT be late with said paperwork.
  • Organized more bills and other statements into binders
  • reorganized binders
  • scheduled time to hang with R. and get more acquainted with her boy. I have managed to go more than 28 years with precious little babysitting experience. Getting experience with little ones before having any myself would be a good idea, I think.
  • helped create a couple of different budgets: people will get money from us! Yay!
  • stayed away from reading my LJ friends page for more than 24 hours
  • sent out ThousandCats reminders
  • sorted through the skads and skads of fingernail polish we never use. Gotta ditch the gloppy ones.
  • posted about the ones we never use that aren't gloppy for the local folk

    Next up:
  • Need to call credit card company. *skeered*
  • make appointment with neighbours to take measurements.
  • pay bills
  • go through cds and set aside those we want to sell
  • start sorting one drawer of Lynx's file cabinet
  • research, organizing, goals, clothes, good things, thousandcats, money

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