The Morning After (Closed to lasgalenlegolas )

Sep 10, 2009 13:18

Since meeting Legolas, Willow had a lot of firsts in her life. She was in love and while that wasn't a first because she had honestly loved Oz, it hadn't been this deep or this fast. She'd been aware that what she'd felt for him, while wonderful, hadn't really been like what Buffy and Angel had. She couldn't say that anymore. What she felt for ( Read more... )

legolas, rp: h&m

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Comments 197

lasgalenlegolas September 10 2009, 18:19:26 UTC
Even though he still walking in the fields of elven dreams, Legolas was acutely aware of Willow all night and so, was aware of when she awoke. Pulling himself back from his rest, he blinked, then looked down at her and smiled.

"Good morning, my beauty," he said softly, leaning forward to claim a kiss. "Did you rest well? Were you comfortable?"


kerfloopeywitch September 10 2009, 18:41:00 UTC
"I did." She smiled into the kiss and nodded. "You do make a very comfortable mattress. Actually, sleeping up here was a lot more comfortable than I thought." Willow idly made little circles on his chest with her fingers. "Did you sleep okay? I wasn't heavy was I?" She really, really hoped that she didn't mumble too much in her sleep.


lasgalenlegolas September 10 2009, 19:38:48 UTC
"My rest was most pleasant," he told her, his fingers carding lightly through her hair as was becoming his habit, "and you make a most wonderful blanket." He smiled at her, enjoying her gentle touches. "You are no heavier than a feather," he said truthfully. "I am very pleased that you like my home. I do not believe that most mortals would. Perhaps you are more elven than you believe." Legolas shifted slightly, slipping his arms beneath her legs and lifting so that she was cradled sideways in his arms. He raised his legs to brace her from behind.

"There," he said with a smile, "now I may see you better and kiss you more easily.


kerfloopeywitch September 10 2009, 20:03:56 UTC
Willow giggled then the giggle turned into a squeak of happy surprise when he changed her position. "I'll take your word for it, but I think I weigh more than a feather."

She settled a little more in his arms, wrapping hers around his shoulders. "I think I could get used to waking up like this every morning."


kerfloopeywitch September 12 2009, 12:24:32 UTC
Willow left Legolas' room and high tailed it down to hers. The comfortable feeling that she had in his room, quickly left her when she took the stairs down one flight. It felt like she was wearing a sign that said she had nothing on under her clothes.

Once inside, she brushed her teeth, took a brush through her hair and dressed in a long floral skirt with a t-shirt. Feeling awake and half way presentable, Willow made her way back up to Legolas their room. Her smiled turned goofy at that thought. Their room. Their home. It felt right.

"Hey. Hope I wasn't gone too long."


lasgalenlegolas September 12 2009, 12:37:12 UTC
With Willow off to change, Legolas took a quick rinse in the pool and then dressed in the deep blue leggings and light blue silk tunic that was packed in his bag. He would need clothing before long, as he had not been packed for a long journey. Not knowing the customs here in the village, he also put on his boots. Some places they would go may not welcome his bare feet. After running a comb through his hair, he replaced his braids. It was a habit that he did not even think over until it was done. Just as he finished, he heard Willow let herself in with the key that he'd given her.

"Perfect timing," he said, turning to greet her with a smile. "I am only just ready myself." Legolas crossed the small glade to take her hand and offer her a sweet kiss. "You look beautiful."


kerfloopeywitch September 12 2009, 13:03:51 UTC
Willow returned the kiss, still amazed that she was with him. "Thank you. You look very handsome." Then again, she thought he looked handsome in just about anything.

"Ready to go? I think you'll like what's at the waffle house. There's a lot of food to choose from."


lasgalenlegolas September 12 2009, 13:10:55 UTC
"I am ready," he said with a nod, walking over and opening the door for her. "I am intrigued with this adventure. What is a waffle?" he asked as they left and he locked the door behind them. The pair made their way downstairs and out into the morning sun.


kerfloopeywitch September 12 2009, 22:21:47 UTC
Lucky for her stomach they were not far from the waffle house. Willow slid her arm back around Legolas' waist and led him the short way to the building. "I think that's my stomach telling me to hurry up and feed me." She grinned, opening up the door for them and stepping inside.

There were booths scattered around the room with a counter that you could eat at. She headed toward one of the smaller booths rather than the counter. "They have regular breakfast items here, too like eggs and toast if you don't want to try a waffle."


lasgalenlegolas September 12 2009, 22:30:37 UTC
Wonderful smells met them as they entered the waffle house. Legolas realized that he was indeed hungry and looked forward to trying all of these new items.

"I want to try everything," he said with a grin, meaning it. The smells, the pictures on the wall, the plates that passed by them as they made their way to their seats. The only problem was what to try first.


kerfloopeywitch September 12 2009, 22:36:56 UTC
His enthusiasm was infectious and she laughed when she slid into the booth. "How's your metabolism?" Willow teased him. "We can see if they have a sampler platter that way you can try a little bit of a lot of things."

The waitress brought their menus and Willow ordered orange juice for herself and Legolas to start. "I hope it's fresh squeezed. There's nothing like fresh squeezed orange juice to start off the morning."


lasgalenlegolas September 12 2009, 23:54:43 UTC
"What is metabolism?" he asked, unfamiliar with the term. "A sample sounds good - I want to try many things." When the server left the large cards, Legolas looked from one picture to another, overwhelmed. "Everything looks very good," he said, after she had ordered orange juice for them. At least he knew what that was.

"I believe I will let you choose for me," Legolas said with a grin, "but teach me how to read these cards. I want to understand everything." He leaned over slightly to read the card over her shoulder. Satisfied that hers was the same as his, he put his down and looked over her shoulder at hers.


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 01:04:46 UTC
"That will be fun," he said, contemplating trying everything on the menu eventually. He watched her as she decided, determining that he really did love the way she wrinkled her nose when she was deciding something and the sound of her laughter.

"You are welcome to share anything that I have," he said with a grin, "even my samples."

While they waited, he looked around the room. More people were arriving now and the mix of voices and smells mixed into an interesting mix of sensations that Legolas found very interesting.

"So, what do you think you would like to do today after we move your things?"


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 01:21:19 UTC
Willow supposed saying just hanging out in the glade probably wasn't a good answer. "Hmm, we can go to the music festival later on. That looked fun. Or there's the museum if you want to look through that." She thought about what else there was to do in the village.

"We could go to the dojo if you wanted to get some practice in with your archery." She grinned, "not that you need practice."


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 01:40:53 UTC
Legolas contemplated those choices for a few moments, returning her grin with one of his own. "I would like to practice at some point, but I am not in need of it just now and I am certain that I can contemplate more fun activities." He leaned over, kissing her cheek. "Perhaps we will take a walk through the music festival after we eat. I like walking just after eating. Then we can move your things. After that," he said with a shrug and a grin, "maybe we will wait until later to decide that?"

He leaned toward her, his head touching hers and then the server returned, carrying a tray full of plates. The food had arrived.


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 01:54:44 UTC
"That sounds good." Willow liked walking after eating, too. It helped burn up the calories as well. Her hand had risen to cup his cheek when he leaned toward her but it halted half way there when the food arrived.

She smiled her thanks to the waitress as she set the food down in front of them. "Now this looks like a feast. Smells good, too." Willow picked up one of the blueberries on her plate and popped it into her mouth.


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 14:23:47 UTC
"Forgive me if this is a rude question," Legolas said carefully, "but if you do not truly believe in this ritual, then why do you practice it? Is that not the point of such rituals, to express your beliefs?"


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 14:43:12 UTC
Willow shook her head. "It's not rude at all. I guess I practice it out of respect for my dad. The same reason why even though they're not home sometimes I don't watch Christmas specials at the house." Well it was also a tradition to watch it over at Xander's but still she could watch at home but she didn't.

"My parents are kosher so it's something I grew up with. I was just never strict about it." She was quiet for a moment. "Though since being in the village, I've started to practice more. Not the kosher part, but other parts of my religion." Willow looked at Legolas. "In my world, in the 1940s which was about 60 years ago for me, Jewish people were persecuted. It's not something that you ever forget but it sort of goes in the back of your mind but here.... there are a some people here that were soldiers then and it just reminded me how lucky I am to be able to decide whether or not I want to practice things."


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 14:55:07 UTC
Legolas nodded, taking a sip of his orange juice. "Respect for your elders is a noble and good thing and I understand this," he said sincerely. "I also understand persecution, for many in my world also seek to have lordship over those when they have no right to that." He pondered her words a moment more. "So you are now exploring beliefs that you took for granted before, to determine how well they fit you now. That is a good endeavor and freedom to live as you choose is always something to appreciate."


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 15:04:01 UTC
Willow took another bite of her waffle, smiling as she chewed. "Yes, that's it exactly. There are a lot of different aspects to religions that I like, not all of them Jewish so I'm sort of mixing and matching the beliefs as well as getting back in touch with my roots. I'm taking the parts that make sense for me."

She was more spiritual than religious but you couldn't help but be one or the other when you faced demons a lot.


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