The Morning After (Closed to lasgalenlegolas )

Sep 10, 2009 13:18

Since meeting Legolas, Willow had a lot of firsts in her life. She was in love and while that wasn't a first because she had honestly loved Oz, it hadn't been this deep or this fast. She'd been aware that what she'd felt for him, while wonderful, hadn't really been like what Buffy and Angel had. She couldn't say that anymore. What she felt for ( Read more... )

legolas, rp: h&m

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lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 14:23:47 UTC
"Forgive me if this is a rude question," Legolas said carefully, "but if you do not truly believe in this ritual, then why do you practice it? Is that not the point of such rituals, to express your beliefs?"


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 14:43:12 UTC
Willow shook her head. "It's not rude at all. I guess I practice it out of respect for my dad. The same reason why even though they're not home sometimes I don't watch Christmas specials at the house." Well it was also a tradition to watch it over at Xander's but still she could watch at home but she didn't.

"My parents are kosher so it's something I grew up with. I was just never strict about it." She was quiet for a moment. "Though since being in the village, I've started to practice more. Not the kosher part, but other parts of my religion." Willow looked at Legolas. "In my world, in the 1940s which was about 60 years ago for me, Jewish people were persecuted. It's not something that you ever forget but it sort of goes in the back of your mind but here.... there are a some people here that were soldiers then and it just reminded me how lucky I am to be able to decide whether or not I want to practice things."


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 14:55:07 UTC
Legolas nodded, taking a sip of his orange juice. "Respect for your elders is a noble and good thing and I understand this," he said sincerely. "I also understand persecution, for many in my world also seek to have lordship over those when they have no right to that." He pondered her words a moment more. "So you are now exploring beliefs that you took for granted before, to determine how well they fit you now. That is a good endeavor and freedom to live as you choose is always something to appreciate."


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 15:04:01 UTC
Willow took another bite of her waffle, smiling as she chewed. "Yes, that's it exactly. There are a lot of different aspects to religions that I like, not all of them Jewish so I'm sort of mixing and matching the beliefs as well as getting back in touch with my roots. I'm taking the parts that make sense for me."

She was more spiritual than religious but you couldn't help but be one or the other when you faced demons a lot.


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 15:36:45 UTC
"I approve of this journey you are on," Legolas said with a nod, taking another bite of the hash browns, which he discovered he truly liked. "Spirituality is very important to my people and we cherish the Valar and their love for us. There are many rituals associated with our beliefs as well. I would like very much to learn more of your beliefs as you learn."

Legolas did not wish to offend her with this food issue. "I will not eat the pig either. I do not wish to offend you in this manner."


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 16:23:52 UTC
Willow leaned in and kissed Legolas' cheek. "That's so sweet but you don't have to do that. Buffy and Xander eat pork all the time, I don't mind really."

She settled back into her seat. "I'd love to learn about your beliefs, too. I want to know everything about you." There was a more than pretty good probability that Willow would adopt some of his beliefs as her own.


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 17:47:37 UTC
"It is kind of you to allow that, but it is a small thing and I wish to do so," he said, leaning into her brief kiss. "It is respect, as you show to your father."

Legolas contemplated her words. "I hope we have a lot of time if you wish to know everything," he teased, then grew serious. "I am pleased to share with you our beliefs. The elves are an ancient race and are steeped in traditions and lore. We will share with each other these heritages and in doing so, both will grow."


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 19:17:22 UTC
"I like that." Willow sighed happily. "Growing closer together through our traditions." She reached out to run her fingers through his hair. "Thank you for sharing your traditions with me and for respecting mine."


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 19:22:01 UTC
"You are my mate," he said, leaning into her touch, "and my beloved. I would not honor you or our love if I did not respect you and what you believe in." Leaning in, he brushed her lips lightly and smiled. "I look forward to getting to know you better."

"How is your food?" he asked, noting that she was not eating very much. "Did you want some of mine?"


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 19:39:27 UTC
She brushed his lips once more before sitting back in the booth. "My food is really good but I'll definitely have some of yours."

Willow brought her plate over and dipped up some of his hash browns and eggs placing it next to her half eaten waffle. "This is more than I normally eat but it's good." She smiled, "How are you enjoying your sampler? Do you like them?"


lasgalenlegolas September 13 2009, 19:51:24 UTC
"The food is wonderful," he said, truthfully, pleased when she took some of his. "I am simply not used to this much food at once. We grow or hunt what we eat and often we simply forage when we are hungry. This could constitute an entire day's meal for me under normal circumstances. We do not require sustenance in the same quantities as humans, although these amounts are large even from my human experience. This must be a wealthy place indeed to give so much food to each person."


kerfloopeywitch September 13 2009, 20:14:04 UTC
"That's the way it should be really." Willow said as she put some ketchup on the hash browns. "I mean the Native Americans in my world did that, too. They only used what they needed."

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she could be quite comfortable in that type of world.


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