The Morning After (Closed to lasgalenlegolas )

Sep 10, 2009 13:18

Since meeting Legolas, Willow had a lot of firsts in her life. She was in love and while that wasn't a first because she had honestly loved Oz, it hadn't been this deep or this fast. She'd been aware that what she'd felt for him, while wonderful, hadn't really been like what Buffy and Angel had. She couldn't say that anymore. What she felt for ( Read more... )

legolas, rp: h&m

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lasgalenlegolas September 10 2009, 18:19:26 UTC
Even though he still walking in the fields of elven dreams, Legolas was acutely aware of Willow all night and so, was aware of when she awoke. Pulling himself back from his rest, he blinked, then looked down at her and smiled.

"Good morning, my beauty," he said softly, leaning forward to claim a kiss. "Did you rest well? Were you comfortable?"


kerfloopeywitch September 10 2009, 18:41:00 UTC
"I did." She smiled into the kiss and nodded. "You do make a very comfortable mattress. Actually, sleeping up here was a lot more comfortable than I thought." Willow idly made little circles on his chest with her fingers. "Did you sleep okay? I wasn't heavy was I?" She really, really hoped that she didn't mumble too much in her sleep.


lasgalenlegolas September 10 2009, 19:38:48 UTC
"My rest was most pleasant," he told her, his fingers carding lightly through her hair as was becoming his habit, "and you make a most wonderful blanket." He smiled at her, enjoying her gentle touches. "You are no heavier than a feather," he said truthfully. "I am very pleased that you like my home. I do not believe that most mortals would. Perhaps you are more elven than you believe." Legolas shifted slightly, slipping his arms beneath her legs and lifting so that she was cradled sideways in his arms. He raised his legs to brace her from behind.

"There," he said with a smile, "now I may see you better and kiss you more easily.


kerfloopeywitch September 10 2009, 20:03:56 UTC
Willow giggled then the giggle turned into a squeak of happy surprise when he changed her position. "I'll take your word for it, but I think I weigh more than a feather."

She settled a little more in his arms, wrapping hers around his shoulders. "I think I could get used to waking up like this every morning."


lasgalenlegolas September 10 2009, 20:24:12 UTC
"That is a good thing, since I plan for you to," Legolas said with a grin. "That is one part of the "come live with me and bond with me" situation that I am quite set on having." His hands caressed her soft skin as his arms encircled her body, drawing her closer. Legolas kissed her, a long, slow, deep kiss that told her of his love and desire for her. It was still new, this sharing of feelings and he felt her love like a warm, gentle flame in his spirit.


kerfloopeywitch September 10 2009, 21:12:21 UTC
Her hold on Legolas tightened with the kiss and the emotions that she felt through the bond. Willow thought that was something that she would never get used to. It was like being wrapped in a favorite blanket or robe. She was warm from the inside out.

"I don't know what I ever did to be this lucky but I'm sure glad I did it."


lasgalenlegolas September 10 2009, 21:47:05 UTC
"I feel I am the lucky one," Legolas said softly, his lips near to hers, then kissed her again. When they finally broke, Legolas looked into her face as something occurred to him. "Are you required to be anywhere today? Your job perhaps? I occurs to me that I have failed to ask this question earlier."


kerfloopeywitch September 10 2009, 22:38:57 UTC
"The class I teach today doesn't start until the afternoon so we have plenty of time." Willow did have classes at the magic school later but she was going to blow them off. She'd never taken a day off from work or school but she was going to today. Now she knew exactly how Buffy felt when she'd wanted to blow off slaying to be with Angel.


lasgalenlegolas September 11 2009, 05:38:16 UTC
Legolas was pleased that they would have most of the day together. "That pleases me," he said, giving her a hug. "After we break our fast, perhaps we should go and bring your things home. After that, I would like to attend your class and see you teach. Would that be acceptable?"


kerfloopeywitch September 11 2009, 12:54:10 UTC
bring your things home

That phrase put a happy, goofy smile to her lips.

"That sounds good. I don't have a lot of stuff besides my clothes. Just some things that I got down in the catacombs and gifts since I've been here." Her thumb gently swiped along his cheek. "I'd like that. You watching me teach. It's what I thought I'd do when I ... well for school. I was studying to be a teacher so I'd like to share that with you."


lasgalenlegolas September 11 2009, 18:56:54 UTC
"Then we shall do so," he said, returning her smile. "I am very interested in your dreams and desires. I believe that you will make an excellent teacher and it is a noble profession. Our tutors were always most valued." he said leaning forward to give her a kiss.

"Are you hungry?"


kerfloopeywitch September 11 2009, 19:57:43 UTC
Her cheeks flushed with pleasure at his compliment. "I was a substitute teacher when I was in high school." Willow's eyes momentarily clouded as she thought of Jenny Calendar but then they cleared. "That's when I fell in love with it. I'd been a tutor before, there's just something magical when you watch someone finally grasp the subject."

Before she could answer Legolas' question, Willow's stomach rumbled and she gave an embarrassed laugh. "I think that means yes."


lasgalenlegolas September 11 2009, 20:32:56 UTC
He saw the light in her eyes when she spoke of her time teaching others and he could feel the excitement that she felt when she talked of it. "You are obviously very wise," Legolas said, "and want to do this for all the right reasons. That is very important and I will do all that I can to support you in this."

Legolas laughed and nodded. "I too would like nourishment." He glanced over her shoulder and down. "You may find the climb down more difficult than the climb up as your legs are shorter and I chose this tree specifically for the long distance between branches. I will go down first, in case you should need assistance." With that, Legolas kissed her, smiled, then shifted and lay her in the warmth of the alcove that his body had just vacated. With nimble grace, he dropped limb to limb until he stood on the grass.

"Come Willow. I am ready."


kerfloopeywitch September 11 2009, 20:57:07 UTC
Willow watched with envy and not a little bit of awe as Legolas easily made his way down the tree. This would be an excellent time to have mastered apparating but unfortunately, Willow hadn't. She nervously nibbled on the inside of her bottom lip as she swung her legs over the side of the top branch. With her tippy toes and her body about half way down she found the next branch.

She continued on that way until the next to the last branch when she lost her footing. With an inelegant squeak, she felt her body go and really, really hoped that Legolas was there to catch her or the ground was softer than it looked.


lasgalenlegolas September 11 2009, 21:05:17 UTC
He watched her closely, impressed that she managed as well as she did. It really was too far between branches for her body length but he would admit, if only to himself, that he enjoyed watching her body stretch and twist in the tree like a true elf. Legolas shifted constantly so that he was always underneath her. When her footing gave way, he was just below her with his arms open before the funny little squeaky sound she made had been fully formed. Willow landed in his arms and he smiled down at her, then pulled her close against him. "You did well, beloved," he whispered into her ear."


kerfloopeywitch September 11 2009, 21:34:01 UTC
Willow's arms tightened reflexively around Legolas' shoulders when he caught her. She was really, really glad that he had quick reflexes.

"At least I didn't fall until the end." She said somewhat sheepishly. "Thanks for being there to catch me." Willow kissed his cheek.


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