Today's forecast - 18C/64F Cloudy, and currently it's a bit drizzly, but it's supposed to clear up later.
Yesterday Youngest C and GF(P) has some great news - their offer on the house they want was accepted!! They are very happy. Now YC's flat sale needs to go through without a hitch (it seems to be going well!). They also need to sort out a mortgage and all the other things and they will be able to move in together permanently (rather than weekends/holidays) after having been dating for over three years! I'm keeping everything crossed!
In yesterday evening's Pilates class we used weights during all the exercises. I was surprised how easy I found it, but I only had 1kg weights and in our old classes, I used to use 1.5kg or 2kg weights. One of the other women in the class was complaining and she was only using 0.5kg weights (and she was about 30 years younger than me!). I did think that I might feel a bit sore today, but I really don't which probably means I'm much fitter than I used to be which is very pleasing. Mr Cee is fine too, but he is used to 2kg weights and had small ones too, so that's not surprising.
This evening we are going to London for dinner with friends, but I don't have much planned for today. I might go out and browse around the local clothing shops - I haven't done that for ages!
In the meantime there's a
thefridayfive under the cut.
1. Do you like spicy food?
I do, but not too spicy. I like the spice more than intense heat.
2. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
Crunchy which is why I usually have granola and natural yogurt rather than milk.
3. Do you like ice in your drinks?
On a hot day - definitely!
4. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
I've eaten reindeer which people think is weird, but it's no different from eating venison (although it does taste a bit different).5. What food would you like to eat right this minute?
I'm not hungry right now as I've just had breakfast.
Just time for today's question: 28. Is there one dream that stays clear in your mind despite the fact it was more than a few years ago?
I never remember dreams so - no.