Yesterday's forecast: 18C/64F breezy. It was very 'breezy'!
Tuesday was fun as I met up with
lilachigh at the garden centre between us and we looked around at plants and the Christmas decorations (we were very restrained and hardly bought anything!). We had a very delicious lunch in the Italian restaurant next to the garden centre. It's such an old-fashioned restaurant - they call us "Señora" and you pay extra for vegetables, bread and olives :). As usual, it was a pleasure to catch up and we talked about everything under the sun! We are planning to meet up again in the New Year.
Yesterday I mostly caught up with laundry and noodled around on the internet. I also ordered an automatic litter box for the cats as it had a huge discount and is suitable for up to four cats. It has amazing reviews, so we'll have to see what will happen when it arrives (and whether the cats ignore it!). Tippi and Lady also had a trip to the vet to get their final booster shot for the year. It's always traumatic catching Lady, although both cats are incredibly well-behaved at the vet, they hate the cat baskets and the car. She is not talking to me now..
After a Nordic walk meet-up in the evening we set off to our local Astronomical society meeting. We haven't been to one before and we're trying to meet new people as we need more friends (everyone keeps moving away!). This week they had a speaker talking about: "50th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landings - Triumph or Hoax". It was an interesting meeting attended by around 50 people and everyone was very friendly. We may sign up to join as membership is very reasonable and they only meet twice a month (plus - stars and planet knowledge!)
Today's forecast: 20C/68F drizzle which is supposed to just be for this morning. I have a free day and I'm going to have to catch up with my V&A recorded lectures for the Art Deco course as I'm really behind! It's very dark this morning and I'm glad that we gain an hour over the weekend when we go back to GMT as it's been quite a busy week! Tonight we have our tough Pilates class which will wipe us out.
In the meantime there are questions:
26. In a general election, do you mostly just vote based on party? What if the party you prefer put forward a terrible candidate, while a party you like less put forward a much better candidate?
No, I don't blindly vote for one party - I look at all the implications of voting a particular party into power, and sometimes I vote tactically to try and get the ones we have out. It's a bit frustrating as in this country you vote for a candidate in your area, and then they tot up all the areas to get the majority. I would much rather have one person/one vote as I think it would make a completely different end result!
27. Are both bad and good things needed in order to truly live life? Can you have the bad without the good? The good without the bad?
If you didn't have bad things how would you know that you have good things? I think there needs to be a balance of both. However, how you deal with the good and the bad is the key. If you brood about the bad and don't try and find the good in everything that's much harder. I try and find the best bits of everything - optimism is the key to being happy IMO.