An exhibition revisit!

Oct 13, 2022 16:45

Today's forecast 17C/61F partly cloudy, which wasn't quite right as it was quite sunny!

Today I went up to see the Beatrix Potter: Drawn to Nature exhibition at the V&A again. I took one of my other friends as I have a membership for two and she wanted to see it. The friend I went with last time tends to whiz around exhibitions, and I felt like I'd missed some things so it was good to go again. It was more enjoyable with the friend I went with today as she's like me and likes to really look at the exhibits.  This time I took photos, so some of those under this cut....

I hadn't realised that Beatrix Potter's family had known John Everett Milais (one of the Pre-Raphaelite painters) and had often visited his studios. He encouraged the young Beatrix telling her "plenty of people can draw, but you... have observation".  This is a study for Milais' Mariana which was apparently one of her favourites.

The young Beatrix often visited the South Kensington Museum (which was the name the V&A was formerly known as) and did this beautiful study  of a plaster cast of a frieze. It's astonishing to know she was only 16 when she sketched this.

She painted this watercolour of seashells when she was 19.

She loved to illustrate letters to friends. I love the sheep in the bottom right-hand corner.

A favourite pet!  She was incredibly unsentimental about her pets, often dissecting them to save their bones and saving their pelts after they had died!

She was also fascinated by all kinds of natural items such as these fossils.

Another cute early sketch - I do love her little mice!

From The Tale of Two Bad Mice

This waistcoat was something she sketched at the V&A and used in an illustration

Later in life she moved to the Lake District and bought a house with her husband, but didn't stop painting and illustrating her books. This is a lovely sketch of her house 'Hill Top'

It was nice to revisit the exhibition and great that it was free for both of us as I'm a member (and I've already seen enough since I bought a membership to cover the cost of the membership yay!). We had a very delicious lunch and then headed home and got back around 3.30pm.

Now I'm catching up with Mr Cee and later we're off out to our tough Pilates class which I'm looking forward to (although I must be mad as I was exhausted after the lesson last week LOL!).

Just time to answer today's question: 13. Are there any songs that always bring a tear to your eye?
I can't think of anything specific, but sometimes music make me feel emotional, especially orchestral music with soaring strings....

meme2022, pilates, outings london

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