Another chilly day and we are forecast for sleet showers tonight! Today's forecast 10C/50F light rain. The garden is very dry (I've had to water things recently) so the rain will actually be quite welcome, although we're going out on a Nordic walk with our group at 4.30-5.30, so I hope it holds off during that hour!
I have been looking at things to do this morning and so far I've booked a walk in June with the WEA which is a tour around the Southbank in London looking at the artwork which should be fun and Mr Cee is coming with me for that. There are quite a few other RL tours around some museums that look interesting too, so things to think about.
I've also been reading a new book I treated myself to called 'Odeon Relics' by photographer Philip Butler. If you like the art deco era he has been photographing old cinemas and other art deco buildings around the country as a project. The Odeon Relics book is a summary of the ones that still survive (mostly not as cinemas anymore, sadly, although our nearby Bromley Picturehouse is
featured which is nice). You can see some of his work on his
website. I've pre-ordered his book about art deco tube stations as I love that period of architecture.
I took delivery of a second-hand book about John Atkinson-Grimshaw which is very pleasing as there's not much about the artist and unusually the WEA course I have just finished wasn't accompanied by downloads of the PowerPoint presentations which was a bit frustrating. All the other tutors on the online courses I have done have always given us summary notes and allowed a download of their presentations which has been a nice reminder and something to look back on at a later date. I'm not sure why the last tutor didn't do that, so the book is a good souvenir of the course (and it's in pristine condition for a very reasonable price!).
I've made fresh carrot and ginger soup for lunch and I'll probably spend the afternoon making something interesting for dinner although I have no idea what yet!
Today's question is (and I can't believe we're nearly at the end of March!) - 30. If you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person?
I suppose the honest answer is both, but I tend towards the big-picture. I like to have a few things to look forward to in the next few months, so I book outings and things to do in advance.
The rest of March and April questions are under the cut.
31. Would you rather wake up every morning with $100 (or equivalent in your currency) in your pocket but not know where it came from, or wake up every morning with $50 (or equivalent in your currency) in your pocket and know where it came from?
1. If your 5-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your 5-year-old self do first?
2. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
3. What is your favourite way to waste time?
4. Do you have any pets? What are their names? Now, what are the names you actually use for them?
5. How much of your body would you cybernetically enhance, if you could?
6. What songs do you know only the chorus to?
7. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
8. Are you an organized person? What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
9. How quickly do you adapt to new technology?
10. What scrambles your brain every time you think about it?
11. What is something that really annoys you, but doesn't seem to bother most other people?
12. Has anyone ever saved your life (literally, not figuratively)?
13. If, when you die, you found out that you have to spend eternity as a minor character in a TV show of your choosing, what TV show would you choose?
14. What is something everyone agrees we should change, but somehow it never changes?
15. What is the weirdest text or email you've ever received?
16. What sport could you play the longest in a televised game, without anyone discovering you're not a professional athlete?
17. What fictional (TV/movie/book) character(s) have you had a crush on over the years?
18. What was the worst shopping experience you've ever had?
19. What still makes you cringe when you think back on it?
20. What do a lot of people have very strong opinions about, even though they know very little about it?
21. Who in your life is the worst at using technology?
22. What was the biggest realization you had about yourself?
23. What memory of yours feels real but is most likely false?
24. Do you prefer popular music or relatively unknown music?
25. If you were given the ability to reform how your country’s leaders were chosen and how they serve, what would you change?
26. Records, tapes, CDs, MP3s, streaming: which did you grow up with? What is good and bad about each?
27. If everyone said what they were actually thinking, what would happen to society?
28. Did (or does) your family take seasonal vacations?
29. What technology from a science fiction movie or TV show would you most love to have?30. April 30 is "Hairstyle Appreciation Day". How would you describe your hairstyle?
The rest of the questions are