A stormy Friday!

Feb 18, 2022 17:53

Today's forecast 11C/52F and extremely windy as we are currently being battered by storm Eunice. There's been gusts of up to around 60mph here which started around 10am. Fortunately I walked to my local town to get my hair cut and I set out before it got too bad. Even so I was pretty wind-blown by the time I got there. I'm glad I decided to still go even though the radio and TV were asking people not to venture out as there was a chance of fatalities (the wind was strong enough to lift roofs and bring down trees and there's been a few incidents reported throughout the day, but fortunately no-one has been hurt in this area).

My poor hairdresser had had two cancellations because of the weather which of course mean that she looses money, but it was nice to catch up with her. My hair looked fabulous in the salon and then got blown all over the place when I left LOL! Mr Cee drove into town to pick me up as he wasn't keen for me to walk home and it was lunchtime so he could take a break. The wind was vicious by then and had got up to gusts of 65mph in our garden (according to our weather station).  Fortunately our garden pots seem OK, although one of the little storage sheds I have at the side of the house got blown down, but it was only a lightweight one. We've left it to sort out over the weekend and it should be fixable.

This afternoon I finished painting the wall in the kitchen and I think it looks pretty good now everything is back in place with the new clock.

Today's question is 18. What are you going to do this weekend?
We are going to visit with Eldest Cee on Saturday if the weather is calm enough. It's his birthday today so we've sent lots of happy birthday messages (he was working at home today), and I've warned him that if the weather is still very blustery we might delay seeing him until Sunday. The plan for tomorrow is to drive down and give him his presents and then go to the Brighton Toy and Model Museum which is near to where he lives followed by something to eat. Hopefully that still might go ahead. Sunday will be tidying up the garden and making sure everything is OK after all this wind.  But at the moment it's all a bit fluid :)

The rest of the questions are here.

meme2022, diy, birthday, weather, family

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