Thursday musings

Feb 17, 2022 17:43

Yesterday evening was very blustery and our Nordic walk was quite a challenge because of the very strong wind - we cut the walk a little short as it started to rain towards the end too. It was OK as we managed to cover just over 2 miles, and Mr Cee and I got our heart rates up which is always good.

Today we have many weather warnings as we're due storm 'Eunice' overnight and through into tomorrow which is bringing very high winds. Today however, has been very sunny and 11C/51F, and actually much nicer than yesterday evening!  Mr Cee got up early as he had a 7am meeting with Australia, but he'd finished by the time I got up so we were able to have breakfast together.

We've had our online Tai Chi lesson this morning which was good. A couple of friends from bellydance were interested and went to the beginners lesson last Friday in the hall. They were really surprised about how difficult Tai Chi is - I'm pleased it's not just me! There are no live lessons this week as it's half term, but I'm glad we still got our online lesson.

The rest of the day I've been doing a bit of renovation in our kitchen. We've bought a new wall clock, and it fixes on the wall a different way from the one we already have there. So I've had to pull out the hook, and as I had to fill that hole I thought I might as well fill in a few cracks on the plaster (nothing serious, just from plaster drying out over time) and take off hooks for a few other things that I want to rearrange. The holes are filled and rubbed down ready for painting tomorrow. It's only a small wall, so it won't take long to refresh it and then I can rehang everything in a better arrangement.

Later we have our Pilates lesson, but in the meantime I have a question:
17. February 17 is "Random Acts of Kindness Day". What random act of kindness would you like someone to perform for you?
I saw this all over Facebook, but I can't think of anything!

The rest of the questions are here.

meme2022, pilates, diy, tai chi, weather, nordic walking

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