Monday *yawns*

Oct 25, 2021 18:30

Today's forecast: 15C/59 Light shower day
Someone should have told the clouds that it was supposed to be 'light' showers as we've had a dry day apart from the late afternoon/evening when we've  had a couple of torrential downpours that were so hard the rain was bouncing off the deck!  Having said that we did have a rather nice sunny afternoon and I sat outside until I got too cold as the sun disappeared behind rainclouds.

I've had a free day so I set it aside to do stuff to finish off my bits for the bellydance mentor. The site goes live tomorrow lunchtime so there was quite a bit to do and of course we are STILL waiting for some information from a couple of the headliner dancers who are hopeless at getting stuff to us on time *sighs*.  I am on standby to double check links and proof read the pages to make sure they work OK tomorrow morning in between going to Pilates. Then hopefully that will be it for a while as the next deadline for stuff is next week.

I feel like I've been at work all day which is a really weird feeling.

In other news I'm getting used to my iWatch and I have forgiven it many things as I've been reading how to use it properly. I'm still not sure I'm going to keep it, but the jury isn't out yet....

The nights are drawing in and it's cosy in my house - enjoy the rest of your Monday wherever you are :)

25. Do you own/wear any jumpsuits?
I've NEVER worn a jumpsuit. Mostly because I think I would look terrible in one, but also because I have very long legs and I'm sure that I would never have been able to find one that fitted me even when I was young and slim! LOL!

tech, work, new365meme, autumn, weather

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