Sunday musings

Oct 24, 2021 19:42

Today's forecast: 14C/57F partly cloudy
Pretty much that - it was actually really sunny around lunchtime.

I spent the morning doing loads of stuff for the bellydance mentor. As the program we were using doesn't do what we want we decided to go back to the system we had back at the dance festival I helped with in February. It's not ideal as we wanted to give the option for people to pay in dollars or sterling as we get a lot of international people in the virtual audience. The program we used in Feb won't allow us to offer dollar prices for tickets, but I sorted something out so that it all works OK for this show in sterling. The option to buy a full weekend access pass can still be bought in dollars or sterling, so hopefully we'll get more sales of those!  It's all very complicated!  There's a long list of more things to do tomorrow.....

We had a brunch today which was yummy, and this afternoon we walked down to our local cinema to see "Venom: Let There Be Carnage". I really enjoyed the first film and this sequel didn't disappoint - I love the humour they get in something that's quite horrific really!  It was also fun to see Woody Harrelson chewing the scenery (almost literally!) and Naomi Harris did her mad-woman acting which we've not seen since "Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest" *g*

It's a fairly short film for a Marvel adaptation, so we were on our way back by 3.30pm so we've been lazing around for the rest of the afternoon and we did have dinner delivered because we are lazy.  Health eating starts again next week.

In the meantime I have a question for today: 24. Have you ever adopted a stray (cat or dog)?
Not a stray but we've always adopted rescue cats as I think it's important to give unwanted kitties a home. Tiger was a kitten born at the horse riding stables I used to go to so I suppose he was closest to being a stray.  He was the most 'wild' of our cats and took a lot of patience to get him socialised, but once he was, he was a big softie and my little shadow. I still miss him.

work, cats, film review, new365meme, family

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