A few links to things I've found interesting over the past few days.
here for a link to 10 of the most influential women in British Science History.
To make sure the US is represented click
here for a link to 20 women inventors you maybe didn't know about.
If you want a list of 22 pioneering women in science there's also
this list.
There's a few cross-overs in those lists, but finally some important recognition and acknowledgement for women who did a lot of the work which forms the basis of science and technology and who were written out of history in favour of their male counterparts.
This morning I spent most of the morning getting laundry on the line in the garden to dry, putting more on to wash and getting some sourdough bread dough ready to cook later. Mid morning I headed out for the half hour walk to my local town to get my hair coloured and cut. I decided early in the day that I wanted to change what my hairdresser had done with the colour last time as it was too light for me. So this time I plumped for lowlights which was a longer process but I'm much happier with the resulting colour.
Mr Cee met me in the nearby supermarket to buy some groceries and give me a lift home. We got in at around 3pm and have spent the rest of the afternoon updating computers and installing some webcams for the desktop computers in the study. Of course my old desktop wanted to update EVERYTHING which has taken a loooooooong time :(
This evening after dinner Youngest Cee will come over to stay until Thursday while the buillders are noisy outside his flat. I will have to get all the cat hair off the clean sheets I put on the bed in the spare room, as Zero cat decided it was a lovely place to bury himself in and have a snooze all day and he's the mostly black one......*sigh*.
In my garden I have a very pretty opium poppy which I don't remember planting....
Today's question: 5. After high school - straight to college or straight to work?
I went from school to a local Technical College to do a Diploma for Personal Assistants course which taught me shorthand, typing and office skills (my school didn't do anything practical like that! LOL!) so I started my first full time office job at 19. I would probably have done an English university degree of some kind, and to be honest it would have just delayed my starting work as I've never felt that not having a degree held me back in any way. I've since done University level qualifications which give me credits towards a degree, but I've never worried that I haven't got the full degree. Very different these days though.