Today started with me waking up to slight niggles from muscles I used yesterday in the new PIlates lesson. Nothing too painful, but I know I've used muscles I'm not used to using! My first job was to spit into a collection tube for the DNA test I've been sent as part of the nutrition course I've started this week. 4ml of spit, first thing in the morning is not a good way to start the day, but it's done and later I'll take the sample box to the post office. It will be interesting to see what food groups I process well and what I should avoid - I get the results in about three weeks.
I have come cooking to do this morning - we have friends coming round for a pizza on the deck tomorrow evening, so I'm making a tiramisu, some fresh pesto and some sourdough pizza dough ahead of time. I'll also bake some bread as we've just got the last loaf out of the freezer from the last batch I made.
Mr Cee has Pilates this morning so I'll be doing that while he's exercising. I don't have much else planned for the rest of the day although I got an email that our new fancy outdoor wood-fired pizza oven is arriving well ahead of the date it was expected, so I'll probably see if I can put that together and look at the instructions. Our old one has just about had it (it was a very basic cheap model), so it's very timely for tomorrow! Through the wonders of technology I can see we are number 100 on the list of deliveries today so goodness knows when it will arrive :)
In other news Youngest Cee has successfully passed all the checks he needed for his new job and his prospective new boss has asked when he can start. YC has to give 8 weeks notice, so although the new boss is obviously keen for him to start soon he's going to have to wait (and YC still hasn't got a copy of his contract or terms of service, so he's not handing in his notice until then!). So he had to write a tactful email yesterday to prospective new boss explaining that.
YC has also started to see movement for the replacement of the outside cladding of his building which is going to take a year. There are many construction workers stripping stuff down and at least it's all started after nearly a year of waiting. When it's finally done he will be able to sell his flat and move in with GF(P) which is long overdue.
There's a
thefridayfive I can answer this week:
1) Where's your favorite place to go connect with nature? I'm lucky enough to live close to several green spaces, woodlands and open countryside, so I'm happy walking around any of those. Our nearest woodland meadow is only 3 minutes walk away, so we often go there to sit and enjoy nature and I've collected rosehips to make syrup in the past. Of course I also have my garden and I love sitting in the sunshine outside watching the bees on the flowers.
2) What's a disposable thing that you've found a use for? I tend to reuse everything I can and rarely buy disposable items these days if I can help it. I do use plastic food bags to store the bread I make in the freezer, but I reuse those constantly until they pretty much fall apart and then I recycle them at the plastic bag recycle place in my local supermarket.
3) Where does your community need de-trashed? Not quite sure what this question means, but if it's about places with a lot of litter (trash) then the parks were like that at the beginning of lockdown. Now there are signs everywhere about taking your stuff home with you, and there's an army of volunteers that go and pick it up daily. After the warmer days at the beginning of this month the beaches were disgraceful as they were covered with plastic bottles etc. I despair at people sometimes.
4) What's your favorite flower? I do love roses5) What positive change do you wish we'd all make? Be aware of the environment and our impact on it. I have a couple of friends who think they are being 'green' because they buy one thing like a drinks bottle and reuse it, but they drive diesel cars, and don't recycle......*sigh*
Today's question is: 23. What is something you do well?
I make delicious sourdough bread and I'm pretty good at cooking/baking in general.