
Mar 13, 2019 15:41

I have opened up the computer with every intention of writing an entry for monthlydiaryday which was yesterday, but on reflection my day was incredibly boring, so I don't think I shall bother.

Today has been busy as I've prepared all the ingredients for a roasted butternut squash and caramalised onion galette which I shall cook tomorrow. It's a fiddly recipe because it involves slow cooking of onions, and slow roasting of the squash, so it's been nice to get it all out of the way today.  I shall have some for lunch tomorrow and Mr Cee can have some in the evening while I'm out at dance class. We can have left-overs over the weekend.

I've also prepared the clementines for a fresh batch of clementine marmelade as we have just opened the last jar of the batch I made in January. I'll cook that up tomorrow morning as well. The house will smell gorgeous.

Yesterday I planted out some more of the seedlings I've grown in the Ikea hydroponics system. The herbs and lettuce I've grown so far have had around 50% success rate, but as with most things it's taken a while to get used to how to use the system.

 New seedlings of 'little gem' lettuces and some basil.

The other herbs are doing very well! I've been cutting and using the watercress and the flat leaf parsley and they keep growing!

Lemon basil and purple basil, and some lettuces that are growing well, but not quite big enough to harvest yet.

Now I've got the hang of the hydroponic system I shall increase what we want to grow for the summer. I have lots of different lettuce seeds which will be fun to try.  The plants seem to like being in the utility room as the glass roof lets in lots of light and the heated floor keeps the temperature fairly constant, so ideal conditions really.

This evening we will be out for Pilates where I help as the teaching assistant and Mr Cee tries to do the exercises. He is actually quite flexible, but I can see him making the mistakes I used to when I started - mostly relating to how difficult it is to keep still when you are trying to do the exercises until you've strengthened your core muscles. I'm sure he will get there soon, and he's still enjoying it, so that's good.

Youngest Cee is already being given the run around by the Housing Association who are being as unhelpful and misleading as they were when he was trying to buy the place a year ago. Finally he's got the answers to how to go about selling his share after having to keep chasing them for clarification for over a week *eyeroll*.  Eldest Cee is popping into his prospective new home this evening to measure up for curtains and to check a couple of things. I can see curtain making/altering in my future. He's getting excited which is nice and I'm really looking forward to helping him get it ready to move into in April.

indoor gardening, pilates, moving, family

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