And I was doing so well!!!

Apr 14, 2015 15:25

As I posted about the 12th yesterday, I completely forgot about the 8 days of happy post for yesterday!

Yesterday's happy thing was getting all the laundry done, the house tidied and enjoying reading my current book.  It's a re-read of Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch.  I really enjoyed this the first time I read it, but I've read all the books so far and I had to admit I'd forgotten a lot of the back story when I came to read book 5 (Foxglove Summer). So much so that a re-read seemed to be a good idea.

Today's happy thing is that I spent this morning learning a new craft.  One of the local Adult Education centres nearby holds stained glass classes which I've always been interested in.  I decided to sign up as I can fit the 12 week course in before my work commitments get busy again at the end of the summer term.

Today was an introduction to health and safety (essential when handling glass!), the tools and equipment and basic cutting techniques.  I surprised myself as I was quite nervous about cutting the glass, but once you master the correct way to handle it to make it break, it becomes quite addictive.  The class is quite busy, and I was one of two people who are complete novices starting today.  The others are at various stages of expertise, and some were producing quite amazing glass art.

I didn't think we'd do much today, but as the class is two and a half hours long we got to start our first project.  The teacher makes us do the same project so that we can support each other, and it means we have to cut various shapes as well as curves.  We have to bring everything home with us, so here's my project so far:

We have to cut 9 piece of glass to fit together in the final shape.  Cutting the curved section was terrifying as I only had that one piece of rather attractive orange flecked glass.  We have to buy our supplies but it wasn't too expensive.

I'm really looking forward to next week!  It's such a satisfying craft so far!

And I think that makes the 8 days of happy meme complete.   However I will try to keep posting I think.

stained glass, happy things

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