Apr 17, 2015 18:19

I have had a productive week - in bullets:
  • Things have been packed away that we don't need out at the moment including lots of heavy jumpers which I was rather regreting today as the temperature has plummeted again!  Stupid UK Spring weather :(
  • My little herb/strawberry Veg Trug is doing well.  I've even managed to keep the cats from sitting on the plants and I've used some of the chives in a dish this week \0/
  • Cooking this week has been productive - I have used up over ripe bananas by making banana bread; I have made pitta bread from scratch (surprisingly easy and much tastier than shop bought!); and today I made fresh pasta which we will have for dinner tonight with a homemade tomato sauce.
  • The house move has stalled at bit - we have only had one person come to view the house and they were a bit bonkers and wanted to rip everything out and start again. We weren't surprised that they have not made an offer on the house!  We had a long chat with the Estate Agent this evening and decided that we will not drop the price yet as it's only been just under 4 weeks that the house has been on the market and it's been so quiet over Easter.  They are putting the house in the free borough weekly paper this week and also in a local glossy brochure that will be distributed around the area. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Tomorrow we are taking Youngest Cee back to university.  He has finished his dissertation and that's ready to hand in on Monday, he has two more short assignments to complete and will be finished by the end of April.  He's not feeling very well today, and may have an inner ear infection, but is determined to go back, so I hope he'll be OK to finish the last bits and pieces.

Tonight for us, however, there will be wine!  *clinks glass with you all*  Happy Friday!

moving, baking, family

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