Monthly daily diary entry...

Apr 13, 2015 08:53

My entry for monthlydiaryday is under the cut for those who would like to see what I did on the 12th April and aren't part of that community.

The 12th was mostly spent in the garden which was lovely as it was positively summery in my South facing garden.

The day started quite late for us as we woke up at around 7.15 and wandered downstairs for a leisurely breakfast.  This usually involves trying to eat cereal while a cat or two tries to get into the bowl before you've finished, but as it was sunny they all had their breakfast and went bouncing around the garden chasing various insects instead.

I checked my usual online 'haunts' (Twitter first, BBC News second and Lj), then I got dressed and stripped the bedding as it was a perfect day to hang washing outside to dry.  Laundry on, we decided to go and check out an offer at the local garden centre and set off in the car.  We got there as the garden centre opened and found the raised Veg Trug which was on offer on dispay, but no sign of it packed up to buy. Eventually the staff found one for us and we loaded up the car with it, having also bought some plants to plant in it.  Unfortunately as it was the medium version this meant I couldn't get back in the car as there was no room for me!  So Mr Cee went home with the things we'd bought and I went back in to look around the plants some more.   I ended up buying some hormone rooting powder as I need to take some cuttings of favourite plants so we can take them with us if our house move goes ahead.

Fortunately the garden centre is not far away from our house, so Mr Cee was back after 20 minutes and we went home to assemble the Veg Trug.  It is really sturdy, and although not easy to move once full of soil and plants, I think we should be able to transport it to the house we want to buy as we could remove plants briefly and replant them to make it lighter.

This is what it currently looks like.  I have to go back to the garden centre today to get a little more compost as it should be a little more full before I plant the various plants.  I am planting English wild strawberries, rosemary, purple and green sage, lemon balm and chives.  I think it should do well.

I also got a free rose for spending more than £20 in the garden centre so I cleaned up a terracotta pot I already had and I need to get some rose compost to plant that today.

The rest of Sunday was spent sorting out more boxes ready for moving.  It has been a slow process so far as the Easter school holidays have meant we have had lots of online interest in our house, but only one person who came round to see it so far! I'm hoping this coming week we should get a bit more interest as all the children are back at school.  I'm tired of keeping the house so tidy! ;)

In the evening we decided to order in as we were tired and Youngest Cee asked if we could have a pizza delivered.  That arrived at 7.00 so afterwards I had a shower and we watched the Antiques Roadshow and some other things we'd recorded in the week and hadn't caught up with.

Then bed around 10.45 feeling really good for having the chance to be outside so much.


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