My brother has just sent me a video of his very young dog meeting a stream for the first time and plunging in. It's adorable but it did make me want to go and meet the dog (and my brother and family, of course) for the first time. Then it looked as if she shook herself all over them and became instantly less adorable.
The days trundle on. I went to get J's prescription from Boots on Thursday and tried to get Rex's (our adopted elderly gent) as well but thanks to one of the receptionists at our doctor's surgery it hadn't been done. I know it must be very stressful there at the moment but she is *always* rude and told Rex he couldn't ask for a repeat yet. Both the helpful chap in Boots and I thought he needed it so I shall have to go back next week after Rex has rung the surgery again and hopefully spoken to a different receptionist. At least I managed to score some flour in Waitrose as well as getting J's prescription so it was a useful trip.
Lisa, my Pilates teacher, used us as guinea pigs yesterday to see if she could teach her Paracise class on Zoom as even with various levels of techie competence we all seem to have mastered using it. We had a few problems with hearing the music but otherwise it worked well so classes commence next week. I have never done Paracise before but enjoyed it so I shall be joining in with the more official class next week. We even included some moves for VE Day that Lisa had found, which were silly but fun. Then I did some gardening so today I ache.
I have mixed feelings about celebrating VE Day. I knew people who celebrated madly at the time for example the father of my friend K woke up on the morning after VE Day on a bench in Green Park with no idea how he got there and Mum's cousin Betty was doing the conga in Trafalgar Square. Years ago I asked my parents what they were doing and my mum thought she was at a dance in her home town, but my dad said he was on a train going back home to see his father. His elder brother had been killed in May 1943 a week before his 22nd birthday so it wasn't a happy time for them and many others despite the war in Europe being over. I thought the short ceremony before the 2 minute silence with only a piper, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall was very poignant and worked better for the current moment than any pomp and circumstance could have done.
Back to the meme.
6. How important is the decor of a restaurant to you?
I would say I liked plain, uncluttered decor but then I remembered that one of my favourite restaurants round here is packed with absolutely bizarre decorations in a style that goes well beyond cluttered. I think the quality of the food matters more than the decoration but frankly, I would just like to go to any restaurant again.
7. Did you have a teacher who inspired to learn and grow as person?
Both my parents were teachers so I ought to say them really because they both undoubtedly did that. If you ignore my parents then my old headmistress was an inspiration in many ways. I went to an all girls school and we were taught to think for ourselves and to always strive for excellence. Our headmistress inspired huge respect from both the pupils and the staff because she treated us all sensibly and was prepared to relax outdated rules such as those concerning uniform if necessary. At the end of every term before we went home we had to go and wait in a long queue to say goodbye to her. This was a large school of over 700 pupils but you skipped this duty at your peril because she knew if you had (this is not mere rumour as I know people that tried to get away with it). She knew all of us by name and ability. Luckily for me she was the headmistress all the time I was there because after she left things did not go so well and the next headmistress was a bit of a catastrophe.
8. What is the worst food you’ve ever had to force yourself to eat to be polite?
Anything involving pears as I really don't like them but they are sometimes unavoidable.
9. What is a mistake people often make about you?
That I am nice.
The rest of the May questions behind the cut
10 Have you ever been sky diving, bungee jumping or scuba diving?
11 What class at Hogwarts would you really excel at?
12 What new fact have you recently learned?
13 What’s something you were afraid of as a child? Are you still afraid of it?
14 What compliment do you receive most often?
15 Are you right- or left-handed? How competent are you with your non-dominant hand?
16 Which Muppet are you most like?
17 What are the people around you doing right now?
18 Do you give up easily on things when they get tough, or are you a stick-to-it person? Can you think of examples when your usual approach was the wrong thing to do?
19 You’ve just been chosen as the eighth dwarf. What’s your name?
20 If someone you were trying to impress was coming over to your home for dinner, what would you make for them? (Please include the recipe!)
21 Do you believe in soul mates?
22 What small thing can you plan to do tomorrow that you’ve never done before?
23 What would your teen self think of the adult you’ve become?
24 What’s the biggest problem you’re facing today?
25 What two colors do you think look best together?
26 Popcorn or pretzels?
27 What’s one thing you can do today that will make tomorrow easier?
28 Have you ever realized too late (e.g. after you've left the house) that you've been wearing an item of clothing inside out or backwards?
29 What parenting technique do you differ from your parents about?
30 Make a list of three things you can do today to be kind to yourself.
31 If you could acquire a talent without any extra effort, what would it be?