First cut

Apr 02, 2007 19:07

I mowed the lawn! Or rather lawns! And I think I may have done it in record time, though I'm not absolutely certain when I started, and anyway I don't have records of my previous timings. But I reckon it was about an hour and a quarter, and I didn't use up both batteries, whereas usually I've exhausted both by the end. I think it was easier than I remembered because, despite it being the first cut, I managed to do it a bit earlier than usual, so though the lawn was messy the grass wasn't as long as it was the first time I tackled it last year. Though that was the worst ever, because Martin's mower had broken down, and then I was dithering about whether to get my own cordless rechargeable one, so it was weeks later than it should have been.

Unfortunately the lawn still looks a mess, because I take very little care of it, and last year I didn't even get round to trying to sweep up the leaves, which are all lying dead in between the blades of fresh grass. But at least it looks as if it's been cut.

I will celebrate the mowing and my brother's birthday later, with cauliflower cheese.

garden, cauliflower cheese, birthday

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