What to take when the world ends

Apr 03, 2007 19:16

I had a dream last night in which the world was about to end - in fact, in my original script it had ended, but then someone turned up in a spaceship and insisted they were going to rescue me, and I still had half an hour to pack.

So I was rushing round trying to get the essentials into a bag, and I remember spending at least five minutes agonising over which Manchester United mug to take (I think I finally chose the one commemorating the Treble in 1999), and of course I had to have some Frindall scoresheets (I had a vague thought that the ship might have a replicator which would enable me to replenish the stock if I ran out, but obviously I needed the originals to replicate), and pencils (remembered in time that I had a whole box of Jarriere pencils left), which meant I had to pack the Spinner cricket game in case there wasn't any actual cricket to score in space, oh yes, and clean underwear (lucky that I'd just done the washing), and I think I was actually on the ship when I insisted on rushing back to pick up my most comfortable indoor shoes (the sandals with the Doc Marten soles and the adjustable straps) to wear on board.

I'm ashamed to say I completely forgot to include any souvenirs of my nearest and dearest. But that reminds me that I had also completely forgotten to post the update to my Friends Mindmap which awaited me when I returned from Redemption at the end of February.

For new entries and movers, compare

Mindmap in November

They're definitely coming every three months now so, as I forgot about it for five weeks, there'll probably be another one any moment now.

dream, friends, lj

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