I keep putting off making this post because I'm delusional and keep telling myself that I'm going to sit down sometime very soon and do all the work necessary to get my Supernatural/Time Traveler's Wife crossover all put together and fit to post. But you know what? Who am I kidding? There is no way that's happening in time to have the thing posted before January 1st. So. Fandom/Fic Year In Review time!
First, a chronological list of the fics I wrote this year.
Fics I wrote this year:
(Everything's gen, almost everything is G, nothing is above PG-13)
1/12/08 -
Girls (and Jaffa) Do Not Fight Fair - SG-1, 1200-ish words - Humor
Silly S8 Team + General Jack ficlet dashed off for one of Fig's Gen Fic Days. I wanted to write something dark and lyrical where the team fought for their lives in gladiatorial combat. They had...other plans.
2/23/08 -
Aggravated Destruction of Property - SG-1, 2,350-ish words - Humor, character study
Written for Abyssis's LeapGate challenge, the idea here was to have Vala rescue Jonas Quinn as amusingly as possible.
3/20/08 -
B is for Boys - SG-1, 290 words - Uh, schmoop? Sorta?
Written for Fig's very first alphabet challenge, in celebration of Abyssis's birthday. Short, inexcusably sentimental piece wherein Sam ponders her boys.
3/20/08 -
H is for Hand-to-hand - SG-1, 713 words - Badassery
Another offering for Abyssis's birthday Alphabet Soup. Sam Carter kickin' ass and takin' names, kthnxbai.
3/30/08 -
Positive Reinforcement - SPN, 1,300-ish words - Humor
Aaand Supernatural enters stage left. I wanted to try my hand at writing Dean, so I had a podunk county officer of the law pull him over and give him ice cream.
4/2/08 -
C is for Clothes, Which Make the Man - SG-1, 178 words - Humor
Tiny contribution to Fig's Daniel Alphabet Soup challenge. Sam and Daniel discuss Daniel's wardrobe.
4/22/08 -
Linguistic Denrology - SG-1, 600 words - Humor
I decided to continue a tradition I started last year and give Izh fic for her birthday. This little exchange between Jack and Daniel was inspired by a typo I made and Izh's calling attention to said typo.
4/22/08 -
Fare le Corna - SPN, 1,133 words - Humor
Also for Izh's birthday, inspired by a random and bizarre prompt she gave me while I was working on "C is for Clothes."
5/18/08 -
Sufficient Illumination - SG-1, 1,242 words - Humor, character study
Written for
sg1friendathon, Teal'c and Jack, making light and whistling in the dark.
7/8/08 -
Cordiform - SG-1, 647 words - Humor
Fluffy friendship ficlet for Fig's Teal'c Alphabet Soup. Teal'c + Sam + Valentines + Arts & Crafts = Schmooooop!
7/24/08 -
Cradle Song for a Hunter's Child - SPN, four stanzas of six lines - Poetry
I've never written fan poetry before. It's like written fanfic, only with way more self-indulgent imagery and alliteration.
7/31/08 -
U is for Uniform - SG-1, 176 words - Character study
My contribution to the Hammond Alphabet Soup. I kind of hate this ficlet a lot.
10/1/08 -
This fic still needs a title of some sort - SPN/QC, 1,720 words - Humor
A crossover that plunks the Winchester boys into the cracky world of
one of my favorite webcomics. Silly, silly crack. Silly. Filled with crack. Have I mentioned silly?
10/27/08 -
Time Share - SG-1, 948 words - Humor, angst, character study
Written for the Jack AlphaBits challenge hosted by Her Benevolence. Jack and min!Jack and and some beer but no fish.
11/29/08 -
By Sun and Candlelight - Narnia, 2,823 words - Character study
Various moments when Narnia touches Susan Pevensie's grown-up life.
Dude, y'all, I wrote a buncha fic this year!
And now, chewing-over of 2008 in terms of fic and fandom:
In Fandom
SPN: Sometime in March, I got incredibly sick and had a few days of couch time wherein I mainlined about half of Supernatural Season 1. It proceeded to totally own my brain for a while, and I got caught up on it as quickly as I could. I read SPN fic, wrote SPN fic (even when I was supposed to be writing other things), and re-watched whatever episodes I could obsessively. It hasn't completely stopped owning my brain, yet, but its hold on me is weakening: I've had the urge to re-watch Stargate a lot recently, and I can actually have whole conversations that do not involve some reference to SPN. It's still the only show I'm willing to bend over backwards to stay current with, though. (Also? You know how SG-1 was the fandom that made me believe in fandom again? Yeah? Well SPN is the fandom that made me sort of not want to believe in fandom, after all. I've adopted a strict policy of LOL FANDOM YOU CRAZY when dealing with the fandom as an entity. That said, the individual friends I've made in the fandom have been lovely and remarkably free of baby-eating tendencies.)
SG-1: Even when I was being eaten alive by SPN, I still managed to maintain a presence in SG-1 fandom, mainly because my friends in SG-1 fandom are so awesome that even a temporary disinterest in the show was not enough to make me stop wanting to play in the sandbox with them (and because
sg_fignewton and her ability to make me sign up for fic challenges left me no option of doing otherwise). More recently, as I said above, I've been re-watching random eps of SG-1 and rediscovering how much I love this show. Wacky hijinks in space! Smash! Blam! Indeed. Kawoosh! KaBOOOOM!! Engage. Vroom! Wheee!! You guys! Our show is so happy!!
Narnia: Um. I wrote a Narnia fic. I'm still not really sure how that happened.
In Writing
To quote my review post last year, I wrote!! This will never not be a source of glee. Absolutely zero writing went into original projects this year and honestly? I'm completely okay with that. Because for me, "original project" has basically meant "SUFFERING AND ENDLESS TOIL" for a long time, and I realized a while ago that I just don't need that in my life right now. Barring plane crashes and freak rains of anvils I have, at a conservative estimate, sixty-some years in which to worry about getting original projects written and published. And getting published is never going to happen if I still have the same level of antipathy toward writing that I did before I caved and started writing fanfic. So right now I'm just happy that making words is not a miserable chore for me, and I'm not really bothered that said words are not publishable. I liked writing them, other folks liked reading them, that's more than enough to justify making them, if you ask me.
My favorite story this year (of my own):
It's really difficult for me to pick one, not because I adore them all that much, but because I love several of them for such different reasons. I think I'm most proud of
"By Sun and Candlelight" because it was a fandom I'd never written for before and I feel like I did my own idea (if not the actual Problem of Susan) justice. I'm still rather proud of
"Aggravated Destruction of Property," too, though. Both fics started out as a concept ("show Susan's eventual return to Narnia" and "save Jonas via hijinks involving Vala") rather than a scene or a conversation, which is how my fics usually start out. It was nice to discover that I could write a fic that way.
Most fun story to write:
I could not possibly choose between
"Girls (and Jaffa) Do Not Fight Fair" and
My untitled SPN/QC crossover. Both just wrote themselves and cracked me up while I was writing them.
Hardest story to write:
"Sufficient Illumination" gave me a lot of trouble, and I'm still not satisfied that I did justice to either the prompt or my idea for what the fic should be, but at the time I was so glad to just have it done and posted on time that I didn't much care if it was any good. Most of my fics do a good bit of the writing for me. This one made me earn every single word. For all that, it's not a half-bad little fic. It's just not as awesome as I know it could have been.
Did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I really didn't set any writing goals this year, since doing so in previous years has mostly resulted in self-loathing and recrimination. So I basically went into this year figuring I'd write some fic when I felt like doing so. And I did. I also wrote some fic when I didn't feel like doing so, mostly because Fig has a strange power over me that results in me signing up to write fic a lot more than I want to.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I signed up for a lot of challenges and two ficathons. Every single one of those is a risk because I'm never positive that my fear of the deadline will triumph over my muse's recalcitrance.
Do you have any goals?