Short, spoiler-free version: SAM! DEAN! BOYS!! *frantic flappy hands* OMG EW EW EEWW! *more flappy hands*
1. I really don't want to believe that Sam is sleeping with Ruby because that? Is just wrong on many levels. But they do seem to want to give us that idea, don't they?
2. Did Dean call Castiel "Cass"? That's...I can't decide if that's cute or just sort of weird.
3a. So the fact that the YED pretty much confirmed the angel story last episode was not lost on Dean, it would seem. Hm. And apparently he's at least tentatively bought into the existence of God, too, going by his argument with Sam. I like the way Ackles delivered the God part, though, as if just admitting to God's existence for the sake of argument was pushing him close to the verge of minor hysterics.
3b. Brother hitting! I shouldn't derive so much glee from the hitting, should I? I don't know, it's almost as good as the hugging, sometimes. I'll take my emotional contact highs where I can get 'em.
4. SAM I LOVE YOU PLEASE DON'T BE EVIL!! (Even though it's totally hot when you are.)
5. Speaking of which, there were some really epic levels of Pretty going on in this ep, weren't there? I mean, even more so even than is usual for an average episode. Sam and Dean both had more than one shot a piece that made me go, "Oh. Wow. Hi." *fans self* And of course the Impala reliably delivered its share of the pretty, as always.
6. I can't decide how I feel about their take on the Rougarou (which, thank you, yes, I got my MOTW, I'm very happy). Given that Rougarous come from the same broad set of legends that give us the werewolf (I think they even get "Rougarou" from a mispronunciation of loup garou, right?) I would have expected them to go much more to the wolfy end of the spectrum. I mean, their version of the werewolf was basically a person with superstrength and extra teeth/claws, so if I'd known we were getting a Rougarou I would have been hoping for something that resembled Lupin's werewolf form in Prisoner of Azkaban. But instead of going wolfier, they went even more human and went with a sort of Lich King sort of thing. I think I would have rather had a Lich Wolf. But whatever, it was a Monster of the Week, and this pleases me.
7. Also, can I just say again? OMG EEEEEWWWWW!!!! *will be a vegetarian at dinner tonight*
8. I gaze upon Sam's declaration that he's done toying with his Amazing Demon Sammy Powers with much skepticism. Much skepticism, indeed. *gives him incredulous eyebrow*
9a. Oh! And my favorite bit: "Um. We're here to save you, I guess?" *falls out of chair giggling*
ETA: 9b. Fee reminded me of my other favorite part: Long Pig! Dean's new word of the day! Which he manages to work into conversation...three times? *snerk* Dean! You're such a dork it's adorable!
10. And so we're back to the Season 2 theme of "Sam Monsters aren't all evil, just dangerous. Sam Monsters have a choice, and can choose to be evil or not. Sam Monsters should be given a fair chance to really rack up a respectable bodycount make that decision before they are summarily made to endure brother hitting ganked." I guess I'm cool with that, especially if the the boys are always going to look this attractive while they're brooding and being pensive and stealing fretful glances at one another by turns.
11. In conclusion: Dean so pretty! Sam so pretty! Car so pretty! Show so gross and appetite-killing! Monster of the Week yaaay!!
So. Is it can be Thursday, yet? Want more show!