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  • Trying to avoid teh sick

    kairosvoice Feb 24, 2008 10:21

    I got home on Friday night. Had great conversations with Mom, mage_girl and loreleiskye in the car on the drive back. Got in about 10. Crashed about 10:30.

    Saturday )


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  • The Apartment

    kairosvoice Oct 19, 2007 10:05

    Here are some pics of my apartment in Vermillion and the gigantic furniture:

    Read more... )

    home, family, usd

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  • Recharging

    kairosvoice Sep 25, 2007 17:40

    I'm feeling a lot better about living in South Dakota. I'm also starting to feel recharged.

    I'm starting to make some friends among my co-workers. Marie-Elaine (the new cello prof), Marla (the other new voice prof) and I got together for Chinese food on Thursday. We bonded :-)

    Fred's weekend visit )

    home, usd

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  • Speechless

    kairosvoice Sep 21, 2007 16:17

    When Fred called last night sounding more than a little concerned about a "branch" from our tree landing on the wires in our neighbors' backyard, I didn't quite have this picture in my mind:
    Picture of aforementioned 'branch' in the neighbors' backyard )

    home, pics

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