Meme stolen from Sophia_Gratia

Aug 09, 2011 05:10

Okay, who the heck just gave me fifteen extra userpic slots? Because, I mean, thank you! :D But... slightly startling to go rejigger your icons and find that you have 30 slots instead of 15.

ICOOOOOOOOOOOONS. I am not going to get back to bed at all this morning, am I. XD

Anyway. Interactive meme!

Give me a fandom, and I will tell you my ( Read more... )

meme, multi-fannish

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Comments 10

lost_spook August 9 2011, 16:29:57 UTC
Doctor Who! (I was thinking of saying S&S, but then realised there would not be enough variations to make the potential pairings of any interest, heh.)

Also, looking at your last comment, if you wanted to do Blake's 7 by fannish osmosis as well/instead, that would amuse me muchly. Don't worry if you don't.


justice_turtle August 9 2011, 17:41:05 UTC
Doctor Who:

Favorite female character: Liz Shaw. Or the TARDIS. I can't deciiiide! ;-) Liz only has one season, and the TARDIS has 31.5 so far - but Liz packs so much more into hers. The TARDIS only gets anything to do about every third year.

Um... favorite in canon is Liz, favorite in fanon is the TARDIS? :-) Because TARDIS!fic is my favorite.

Favorite male character: Rory Williams. Because he is awesome (and the first companion I have actually identified with. If I traveled with the Doctor, Rory is exactly what I would act like). But there is also the Brig, who gets precedence because he is dead. :'-( Briiiiiiiig.

Favorite moment/episode/arc in canon: Can I have one of each? No? ;P I'm going to. Things I've seen, only, so there's a lot that's not eligible ( ... )


lost_spook August 10 2011, 11:58:01 UTC
Competent Harry is indeed a lovely thing, to be celebrated when it happens ( ... )


justice_turtle August 9 2011, 18:11:09 UTC
Blakes 7:

Favorite female character: Cally. Because she has a cute snarky sense of humor and also tells off Avon sometimes. And is cute. Jenna comes in a close second for wearing that awesome white and turquoise outfit.

Favorite male character: Blake. I have a weakness for people with Ideals. (Plus, his haaaaaiir. It's all... Tom-Bakerish. White-guy afros, IDEK.) Also probably Gan.

Favorite moment/episode/arc in canon: Um, the one time they - oh, you know! That one! *flails hands*


Least favorite character: Servalan sounds rather like the Delgado!Master of Blakes 7, so I do not think she's actually my least favorite (that would be somebody boring with too much screen time, assuming there is anyone of that definition), but I couldn't squish everybody into Favorite. ;-)

(On a completely irrelevant note, there was a guy I often saw in the computer lab at college who looked startlingly like Vila Restal. This amused me. *g*)

Least favorite moment/episode/arc in canon: That other time! You know the one! (Probably actually one of ( ... )


lost_spook August 9 2011, 16:31:08 UTC
PS. It was not me with the icons. I think I should say that because it was over on my LJ you were talking about it. All I gave was sympathy, :lol:.


justice_turtle August 11 2011, 23:35:51 UTC
Turns out it was lolmac"/ but LJ ate the notification.

(And thank you for the sympathy! *g* I seem to have gotten all my Most Necessary icons into about two dozen, so you might be seeing some of your quote icons popping up at Fic_Rush. XD Are you planning to be there?)


lost_spook August 12 2011, 14:56:35 UTC
Yes, I'm certainly hoping to be at fic_rush. :-)

(Have penguin, will travel.)


pitry August 9 2011, 17:20:13 UTC


justice_turtle August 9 2011, 20:12:50 UTC
Stargate SG-1:

Favorite female character: I can't decide! There is Sam and Janet and Sha're and Drey'auc and Sara, and they are all awesome in their various ways.

If I have to pick one, though... Janet. Because she's an awesome doctor, and also tiny and stubborn and can tell off John de Lancie (who is a solid foot taller than she is). And she doesn't even have to do anything to assert her awesomeness.

Favorite male character: Teal'c. Jack was my "hook" character, but - Teal'c is sort of like the best of Batman and Spock put together, minus the angst, minus the prissiness, and plus a really fantastic sense of deadpan humor. Also, he's a wonderful father and an epically loyal soldier and friend. ♥ If I could be anybody in any of my fandoms, Teal'c is near the top of the list.

Favorite moment / episode / arc in canon: Window of Opportunity. Has to be. Jack and Teal'c, and all the silly time-loop moments, and the learning Ancient to help Daniel, and the "WACKO!" scene, and Robin Mossley, and then that scene at the end where Jack talks ( ... )


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