Meme stolen from Sophia_Gratia

Aug 09, 2011 05:10

Okay, who the heck just gave me fifteen extra userpic slots? Because, I mean, thank you! :D But... slightly startling to go rejigger your icons and find that you have 30 slots instead of 15.

ICOOOOOOOOOOOONS. I am not going to get back to bed at all this morning, am I. XD

Anyway. Interactive meme!

Give me a fandom, and I will tell you my:
{a} favorite female character
{b} favorite male character
{c} favorite moment/episode/arc in canon
{d} least favorite character
{e} least favorite moment/episode/arc in canon
{f} favorite femslash pairing
{g} favorite boyslash pairing
{h} favorite het pairing
{i} favorite threesome
{j} favorite nonsexual pairing (romantic or BFFs)

Yeah, I added that last one. And I reserve the right to rejigger the second half of the meme to suit my tastes depending on the fandom. :-)

Doesn't have to be a fandom I write in, or even one I read; heck, throw me something I only know by fannish osmosis and I will make up nonsense. And then you can tell me how canon is so totally more awesome and I should read/watch it. ;-) But you can get a fair idea of my fandoms from my icons. :D

meme, multi-fannish

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