{duet} May 09 Yamada Ryosuke

May 04, 2009 20:36

Duet May 2009 - Yama chan Keyword Encyclopedia [yamadas] 
Yamada Ryosuke

We report to you with salesman Ryosuke. By the way, he made the business card. Doesn’t he look like he’ll do a great job at work? If this cake loving Yama chan joins your company, your company’s mood will sure to be brighter!?


《English/英語》Not my best to be honest. When I went oversea, I couldn’t talk in English well getting an entry visa. I heard the person in charge questions you in basic Japanese thinking “this person can’t speak English, he must be Japanese” in Hawaii and other places but I was questioned all in English that time. Then the person made this ‘tsk’ noise at the end. With those experiences, I can’t be very positive towards English … but! Middle school and high school will have English tests after all, so I have to study them even if I don’t want to be able to speak English fluently. That’s why I started independently studying English recently. I went and bought a journal with basic words because I thought I should at least be in an average level to enter high school. The basic is what’s important in English, that’s why I try to look back at the 1st year middle school level first. Also, I keep in touch with Keito by having him send mails in English. It doesn’t seem to be a bother for him since Keito is better at English than Japanese. I can just ask him the parts that I don’t understand right away too, it’s a good learning for me.

《Family/家族》Yamada family get along with each other very well. We’re easily in good mood and we’re always together. Just the other day, my little sister said “I want to go to the zoo!” all the sudden and we all went as a family. After we went to the Ueno Zoo, we went to Ameyoko. We bought 4500 yen’s medium-fatty tuna and 6500 yen’s fatty tuna for just 2000 yen (!)  for both (laughs). The female team bought tons of Korean seaweed.

《Fan》I’d like to use this space to send you, fans a message. “How’s it going? It’s getting warmer now. Thank you for supporting me. Thanks to you, I’m doing very well” To be honest, I’m not very popular with girls at school. The only time numerous people cheer me on is during concerts. Let’s see…. fan letters? I read them in my room when I don’t have any plans on my day off. The great difference of attention I get when I’m with JUMP and when I’m in private scares me sometimes. But I feel that because I’m in such a situation, I’m not becoming self-conceited. By the way, I’m a Takahashi Hiroshi, the mangaka’s fan. I’d probably cry if I get to meet him and have him draw a picture of me! (laughs)

《『GET』/Hey!Say!7’s new song》We’re going to introduce it on 7 concert (※Interview was taken in mid March). This song is actually a song I kept because I wanted to sing this as a solo. But during the meeting for 7 concert, we started talking about “are there any good songs?” and it slipped my mind. The existence about the song “GET!!” (laughs).  Then, we ended up singing with all 5. I’m pretty happy about it since that’s good in another way.

《Graduation/卒業》I graduated from middle school in March. On the day of graduation, I received a letter from an old friend who I used to play soccer with since we were little. He had a rough time with soccer too and the letter was about understanding how I was not always in a smooth sailing. I was really happy about that. He said his goal is to become a J-leaguer one day and appear on TV with me. I want to make that a reality for sure. I’d be looking forward to that day!

hs7:yamada ryosuke, mag:duet

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