{winkup} June 09 Takaki Yuya

May 08, 2009 10:44

WinkUp June 2009 - Juciy JUMP
Takaki Yuya

Dear Takaki Yuya kun

I have a little problem and that’s about hair. I have straight hair but my friends around me all have naturally wavy hair and I envy their curls. I plan to curl my hair when I go out but I can’t get it to how I want to be curled because of the features of my hair…. Straight hair or curly hair, which do you like on girls Takaki kun?

(Shoko/2nd year middle school)

If you ask me “which do you prefer?” then I have to think about it but I think anything is fine as long as it looks good on that person. Besides, you don’t decide who you like with their hair style. I think it’s okay if you think you look good with the hairstyle you have. That’s why any style is fine with me. The girls I’ve liked so far…. I don’t think it was either one of them. They were all different. That’s because I didn’t fall in love with their hair. If you want to curl your hair that bad then maybe you could try taking lesser section of your hair and carefully curl it with an iron. But isn’t it too early for a 2nd year to curl? Just be yourself. I don’t think you need to act older since you’re still a 2nd year.

I'm currently working on June wink up cross talk so heads up in the near far future! xD
Oh and another thing, if you are requesting for a trans, please PM me and not leave a comment on one of the entries.
I do check comments (but sucks at replying) but I can get to your request faster in PMs.

Have a lovely day :D

mag:winkup, hsb:takaki yuya

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