Dec 05, 2004 01:20
Hey everybody. Wow its been awhile. I actually wasn't about to write in here again, but I figured I better to hopefully keep e/body's interest. Well today was pretty good once it got started. I babysat my lil couz last yesterday(Friday) and she spent the night and didn't go home until 2 pm Saturday. It seemed like forever. I didn't get out of the house until 4:45ish. Me and Elena went to Mexican Fiesta to get Milanesa. Well her lil friend Kevin wanted to go with us and he brought his cousin Kyle. So get this Kyle goes to school with me and Kevin goes to school with Elena and were both cousins. Wow it was really weird and awkward. Elena couldn't stop giggling and Kevin wouldn’t' talk. It was really funny actually. I dunno, but I'm glad it ended.
Then we came back to my house and found out that we were gonna have a bonfire at my house instead of Kristina's, which turned out to be really awesome. I got to burn my Ouija board finally!! Yea!! Then Jose gave me and Kristina early X-mas gifts. Our own bibles like his and Fields. It was such an awesome gift. Thank you so much Jose. My dad finally met you guys which was really cool because ...yea well nvm that’s a whole other story. Anyway we had a good talk today. I learned a lot about your guys lives and more about who you are and it made me even more glad to be friends with you guys. I often tell my parents that you guys are truly the best things that have happened to me in a long time. However, I feel my mother is still quite skeptical of you guys.
For instance, I had filled up two glasses of waters to the top and left them on the counter. I forgot about them and when I came back to get them they were gone. I asked her "where are they" and she said "I threw them out". I asked her "why when they were still filled to the top". She said "because I thought they were you guys glasses". I said" no you can obviously tell they were not drinking out of". And then she got mad and with an attitude was like "no they still could of been you friends". So I was like "fine don’t' have a cow". And she was like "see look at your attitude". "Whenever you hang out with those boys you always have an attitude afterwards". I was like "whatever". And she was like "see". And then I was like," no your just saying that because they're Baptist and I'm hanging out with them." So yea I walked out of the room.
It really made me sad. I wanted to cry. I mean I wish she could understand how much you guys mean to me. You guys make me a better person not a worse person. I don't understand why she has to be like this to me. It sucks so incredibly bad. Just pray that she will understand and accept that I am choosing another path. (Religion) Because I don't know how to make her understand, so I pray every night that God will help her to understand and not to take it out on my friends. But anyway I had fun otherwise. Im bummed I can't make it to church with you guys, but I got responsibilities at my old church still....adios. God Bless!! And thanks Jose!!!