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Sep 27, 2008 20:27

Jewel's Relationships and History


Link (ordonian_hero) -- Suspected to be the Link from her own Hyrule, although this is unconfirmed; she largely presumes this to be the case because, unlike a lot of people upon first meeting her, he seemed unsurprised that she wasn't blonde. In point of actual fact, he is quite possibly not the Link she knows, but it gives her comfort to believe that it is, and he's been gentlemanly enough not to argue. Assuming that he is "her" Link, there is hardly anyone whom she trusts more. Theirs is a very cordial, respectful friendship.

Zelda (regnant_zelda) -- Jewel's "blonde twin," who sometimes addresses her as sister. They are both from the Twilight Princess era and have led somewhat parallel lives, but the details are different. It's as comfortable a friendship as it can be, given the circumstances.

Midna (excuseuprincess) -- Not the one that Jewel knew in her own world, but the same in essentials. Jewel and Midna are rather fond of each other; Midna is somehow able to make Jewel feel better when she has reason to be upset, and is always welcome at the inn.

Vaati (sorcerer_vaati) -- One of the first individuals Jewel met in this new Hyrule, they have connected on a few different levels.

Ashei and Shad (ashei_yeah and twilit_scholar) -- These two sort of go as a pair; they're from the same Hyrule. (Since Shad and Jewel belong to the same mun, they don't interact much.) Also hailing from a TP-verse, they're the loyal servants of their own Queen Zelda, but as long as they're here, they've sort of glommed onto Jewel, who welcomes the, er, glomming. Ashei was the first to move into the inn with her, shortly followed by Shad and then later Linksha, and later still another Link and Zelda. They're an odd little family.

Linkshaia Adennos dal'Brisby al'Silva (linkshaia) -- One of Jewel's housemates, and the one to whom she is arguably the closest. For all intents and purposes, as least as far as emotion may dictate relationship, he is her little brother. Privately, she thinks of Linksha, Vaati, Shad, and Goink as "her boys."

Link (koholint_hero) -- A new arrival, along with his own Princess Zelda (turtlerockqueen, who shares Jewel's mun), at "Jewel's Foster Home for Imaginary Heroes." Jewel found him when he washed up on the shores of Lake Hylia, brought him home and started fussing over him as she does.

Harper (hylian_sheikah) -- The silver-tongued Sheikah hails from an alternate version of Jewel's own Hyrule, and serves a Zelda who looks exactly like her. He arrived at the start of the war and pledged himself to Jewel's any capacity.

Overall, the permanent residents of the inn have formed something of a family, with Jewel as "mother hen" (Linksha's name for her).

Friendly Acquaintances

Blue of the Four Sword (xblueswordx) -- Although their relationship started off rather rockily, Jewel found that threatening the young Link's life was an effective means of getting his respect. They have since that time been on agreeable terms.

Sheik (tehnrija) -- Jewel only met this particular Sheik once before his death/disappearance. She liked him, though.

Prince Ralis (son_of_rutela) -- Jewel quite likes the small, sweet Prince of the Zora, although they don't know each other well.

Dark Link (darkmastersword) -- Jewel encountered this particular Shadow Link on his first appearance in Hyrule, and offered him the comfort of a warm meal and a friendly place to eat it.

Ilia (villager_ilia) -- In her own Hyrule, Jewel had never yet had occasion to meet Ilia, but now there's one here in this Hyrule. She's quite content to accept the younger woman, reasoning that any friend of Link's is a friend of hers.

Link (severs_twilight) -- Another Link from the Twilight Princess era, whom she met when she mistook him for "Goink." From what little she knows of him, she likes him.

Green (xgreenswordx) -- He was the one of the 'color boys' who responded to Jewel's call for allies when Ganon took over the country. When he fell ill, his compatriot Vio brought him to the inn for care.

Zelda (crystallinesong) -- Physically, Jewel's mirror image. They met during the cleanup following the Battle of Kakariko, in which both had participated, and became immediate allies.

Unfriendly or Neutral Acquaintances

"Keane" (keepinbalance) -- She knows little of him. He is mysterious, and wary. But not impolite.

George (shadygeorge) -- She's not a fan. He's way too personal.

Viscen (captainviscen) -- They don't know each other well, but she finds him polite and pleasant.

Divine Acquaintances

The Fierce Deity (fierce_deity) -- He scares the living daylights out of her.

And then there's that one...

Ganon (old_man_ganon) -- This is hard to figure out, because... well... it's a friendship that isn't. It's a friendship that shouldn't be, really. But it's something. And it's unique in all of Hyrule. She doesn't know, at first, about the unrequited affection on his side of the equation.


These are threads in which Jewel does not take an active part, but is directly referenced or discussed by the participating characters.

The Hyrulean War

When Ganon announced his plans to conquer this new Hyrule, Jewel -- surprisingly, considering their previously good relationship -- was among the first to stand up to him. This confrontation prompted her shift into the Lady of War persona, as she instigated the establishment of a resistance force in Kakariko Village.

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