Master Fic Post: And the World You Promised

Aug 06, 2013 20:25

Title: And the World You Promised
Author: Jesterlady
Pairings: Arthur/Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 66,739
Warnings: Crazy!Morgana, cryptic descriptions of torture
Summary: After the battle of Camlann Arthur and Merlin must somehow come to terms with the ramifications of Merlin's secret in time to defeat Morgana and fulfill their destiny.
Author's notes: Thanks so much to Moon01234 who offered to beta this for me and really helped me think things through. Also to jennybliss for her artwork. It's so beautiful and perfect. This was written for the paperlegends Big Bang 2013.
Hopefully this fic will deliver what I felt the show didn't, an actual resolution to the problems that stopped Arthur and Merlin's destiny from being fulfilled, and usher in that Golden Era. My intent was to focus on Arthur and Merlin's friendship and as well as Arthur and Gwen's marriage. But I also missed Merlin/Gwen friendship and strived to showcase that here. This means there wasn't a lot of time for knights and so I feel bad Leon, Percival, and Gwaine get shafted a little bit here and there wasn't as much Gaius/Merlin interaction as I like in my Merlin stories.
Hopefully no one is annoyed by the many scenes where Merlin tells stories about the past, but I personally always wanted to just get other people's reactions to the history of the show, so I hope that doesn't bore you.
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin. Some lines are from the show. The title is from a song by Hillsong. All of the chapter titles are from the song King by Lauren Aquilina. There is an amazing Arthur fanvid on Youtube using this song by missjessieban and I highly recommend you check it out.

Chapter One: You're Alone, You're On Your Own

Chapter Two: You Don't Get What All This is About

Chapter Three: You Don't Gain a Single Thing From Misery

Chapter Four: There's Method in My Madness

Chapter Five: You Lost Your Mind in the Sound

Chapter Six: You're Too Wrapped Up in Your Self Doubt

Chapter Seven: Count Your Blessings, Not Your Flaws

Chapter Eight: Put All Your Faults to Bed

Chapter Nine: Rid of the Monsters Inside Your Head

Chapter Ten: Have You Forgotten What You Have and What is Yours

Chapter Eleven: You've Got That Young Blood, Set it Free

Chapter Twelve: You Can Reclaim Your Crown

Chapter Thirteen: Glass Half Empty, Glass Half Full

Chapter Fourteen: You Can Be King Again

Epilogue: You're in Control

andtheworldyoupromised, pairing: arthur/gwen, length: multi-chapter, master post: and the world you promised, fandom: merlin

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